So glad you wrote in your doctor is likely concerned about the fact that calcium competes with strontium for absorption and calcium ALWAYS wins, which translates to less strontium being absorbed when calcium is also consumed AT THE SAME TIME. Our kidneys eliminate strontium far more quickly than calcium: three times as much strontium is lost in urine compared to calcium. I need more than this because I need more vitamin D3, so I take at least 240 mcg of MK-7 daily. If so, discuss alternatives with your physician. Lara J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. Feel free to use the information as you need ? Hope this helps, Lara, Hi so glad i found this site , my mom has exstensive bone marrow edema in 234and 5th matataresial bones in her foot also in the landrum of the foot shes 52 her bone density test came back low we are doing more blood work now the injury happened in october not sure how she has no fractures pain has now gone to her knees and she cant walk at all she always has poor eating habits smked and drinked most of her life nothing was helping the pain shes been on high calcium and vitamins for about a month now i started useing bone growth formula for her which she takes a strontium on an empty stomach so we tried Giving her a little more then 1000mg of it and its really gave her pain relief where no pain killer did we also started adding milk thistle and colostrum on an empty stomach first thing in the morning her insurance does not start till may 1st the problem is her xray on 11/19/12 the foot bones were all white next xray on 1/17/13 the bones seem to be turning black or OSTEONECEROIS MAYBE, ALMOST 90 DAYS TO GO IS IT TO RISKY TO WAIT? Personally, I take a good high-potency multiple (6 capsules is the daily dose), AlgaeCal Plus (for additional supplemental calcium, magnesium, D3 and K2) and Strontium Boost. And its what I do for myself. A creatinine clearance rate of 60-89 indicates the initial stage of kidney disease. Hi Tyler, I have had 3 allergic reactions to antibiotics, so am careful about what I take. Dialysis fluids may already contain high concentrations of strontium, so not surprisingly, some dialysis patients are known to have elevated bone strontium concentrations and a high strontium/calcium ratio in bone. The strontium I take is 1000 mcg. In all three treatment groups, study participants with above average compliance had significantly greater increases in BMD compared to the losses seen in the two expected-change reference groups. Two issues seem the most important to me your lung inflammation and, of course, the high calcium levels. Maybe its just me. Strontium is the singular ingredient that makes Ultimate Bone Support (UBS) a superior supplement to conserve bones. 2011 Oct;89(4):295-302.PMID: 21789637) The only potential issue here is that DHEA is an androgen and a precursor to testosterone, so taking too much DHEA (for YOU) can cause the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics in women e.g., acne, growth of excess body and facial hair, loss of scalp hair. RESULTS: No correlation (r(2) = 0.29) was found in oral drug bioavailability between rat and human, while a correlation (r(2) = 0.8) was observed for drug intestinal permeability with both carrier-mediated absorption and passive diffusion mechanisms between human and rat small intestine. In the most recently published studies in which the effects of natural strontium salts on bone health were researched, strontium citrate was effectively absorbed and deposited in bone at both a 340 mg per day and a 680 mg per day dose. 2001 Apr;28(4):446-53. (2002). Thanks for your thorough research and thoughtful insights in writing Your Bones! As already mentioned, we know that lower doses are still effective just not as effective, so taking the lower doses would be advisable after the temporary period of higher doses. Do not take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost at the same time. Thanks again for your help. In the U.S., Your Bones was approved by our library book review system and is available in our public libraries as well. I have been scared to take Strontium but am now wondering if should, I would be so grateful for your advice and suggestions, Be gloriously well, Lara, Hi Lara, Of course, happy to do what I can to be of help, and yes, each of us is our own best advocate, although you are definitely in good hands if you are working with a fully IFM certified functional medicine physician and nutritionist. So you take half the dosage of strontium (1 capsule) Do you still take the full dosage of algae cal plus (4 capsules)? AlgaeCals plant-based calcium does what others cant stop bone loss. Easiest if you could please take a look at this section above for the full discussion. (17 replies) Strontium and thyroid medication. A few years ago now, I also started to experience pain in my thumb joints (and sometimes other fingers as well), which would clear out after a few days. Before starting on Xolair a year ago, I was taking 15 different meds a day to try to control the asthma and had been like that for two years after getting atypical pneumonia. Nonetheless, from the papers I have read, 170 mg of elemental strontium has not been shown to be more effective in rebuilding bone although even the longer studies looked at no more than 2 years if I remember correctly. That's because your body only takes in what it needs and the rest is excreted through urine. Likewise, the most common over-the-counter supplements are chemically bound to different molecules, such as citrate, lactate, carbonate, and gluconate. Moise H, Adachi JD, Chettle DR, Pejovi-Mili A. Remember that vit K2 activates a number of important proteins related to calcium regulation in the body the 2 of most interest for you are osteocalcin, which is involved in putting calcium into bone, and Matrix Gla protein, which keeps calcium out of arteries, kidneys, breasts, etc. Thank you Lara for that thorough response! After a month or two using the nebulizer, many of our patients have been able to just take NAC orally; they are that much better! This is in agreement with the findings available in the literature., the frequent bone Sr measurements in all subjects show that the Sr signal is higher in the ankle (primarily trabecular bone) than in the finger (primarily cortical bone), which is in agreement with literature findings that different bone sites will show different bone Sr concentrations.. I do not recommend taking 750 mg/d. 2012 May 28;13(1):78. Hi Tyler, D3, K2, BORON & STRONTIUM: Bone growth is a complex process that requires many different nutrients. If strontium promoted hair loss, dont you think it would have been noted in the last 100 years in the many thousands of subjects taking strontium in numerous clinical trials? And so are my gluten-free sourdough breads you can find the recipes here (add link). So, whats the take-away from this paper by Chen LJ et al.? If so, then I think your plan is excellent. The end result was that more calcium (Ca2+) was deposited in AlgaeCal treated cells (2.0-fold more than controls, 1.0-fold more than calcium carbonate, and 4.0-fold more than calcium citrate-treated cells). By staggering your intake, you allow both supplements to be absorbed properly and effectively. The optimal duration of use of Boniva has not been determined. Turns out, there is a very legitimate reason that taking your multivitamin on an empty stomach can leave you feeling queasy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Should I stop taking my Calcium supplement and my Multivitamin for Women 50+ before taking the AlgaeCal and Strontium? These areas include our bones (specifically our osteoblasts and chondrocytes in bone), also adipose tissue, the lining of our blood vessels (called the vascular endothelium), the smooth muscle cells in the aorta (the main artery of the body), and numerous sites in the brain. I was just thinking that because AlgaeCal provides more than the DV, it should be reflected in the percentage given. Or, not? Take your strontium before bedtime at night. Should strontium citrate be taken indefinitely? 2004 Dec;19(12):2012-20. Yes, my inflammation is under control. I am not a physician. But, once again, I have no idea of the amount of additional calcium that is entering my body. i do notyetstill egfr in 80s. Im also taking an EPA supplement that has 1536 mg. Im also thankful I can and I love salmon! I am trying to compile information on research on strontium citrate and this will greatly add to my body of information. Thank you! So we must experiment. It did though. We are each UNIQUE. Cheese is one of the best food sources of MK-4; Jarlsberg and Emmenthaler cheeses are the richest in K2. Ammann P, Shen V, Robin B, Mauras Y, Bonjour JP, Rizzoli R. Service of Bone Diseases, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Osteoporosis Prevention, Geneva 14 CH-1211, Switzerland. Could the Strontium be causing it and should I reduce the dose? Your indepth info on Strontium Citrate has me leaning that direction.. but when I came across this info from you about AlgaeCal I thought it was worth consideringso my dear, I am asking how are your bones now? The form of strontium you should consider taking is strontium citrate NOT strontium ranelatethis form has caused many adverse effects, which I have written about at length both in my book Your Bones, 2nd edition and on AlgaeCals blog. Additionally I have been using Doctors Best Strontium. Lara: Specifically based on strontium levels and safety. Once you are tested and find out where your imbalances are (and this will be clearly shown on the 24 Hour Urine test for all the estrogens, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, your adrenal hormones and more), you can restore balance. Do you have any recommendations before getting the scan as far as discontinuing either the algae cal or strontium or any other minerals or vitamins? Marie PJ, Ammann P, Boivin G, et al. Get visible results via a DEXA scan. Yes, the label is confusing. Whats adequate vitamin D3? Our correspondence has been a total delight for me. Hi Lara, However, no research that I know of specifically shows that 170 mg of strontium /day is more effective in preventing fracture risk, and the only PubMed article I can find for Meunier et al in 2002 concludes a 2 gram/day dose is most effective here is the abstract: Optimal intake is 1,2 1,500 mg per day for someone with osteoporosis. Could this be a related side effect? I ordered the AlgeaCal plus and the Strontium can I just take the calcium without the other and still see results with diet and exercise (elliptical 3 xs a week , kettlebell 3 xs a week and yoga 2 xs per week? The ability of this IVXRF system to monitor and measure bone strontium levels over time provides a useful diagnostic tool to help gain insight into strontium bone kinetics. As you mentioned, certain medications (including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen) can trigger lymphocytic colitis. Can this be whats going on? 25(OH)D is the vitamin D form circulating in the bloodstream and the marker typically used to assess vitamin D levels. (I realize you have read these papers, but wanted to include a couple of quotes from them for others who may be interested and have not.) In order to not loose more bone, I decided to also take StrontiumBoost, which I just ordered. Wnt signaling: Wnt signaling is involved in osteoblast production & activity; strontium triggers Wnt signaling. Thanks for your response about New Chapter. Shaine, Hi Shaine, In other words, over a 5-year period in the Phase III studies, each year, 7 of every 1,000 participants taking strontium ranelate developed VTE. A radioactive form of strontium may kill some cancer cells. Hi Lara, Certain medications want you to either take or avoid taking on an empty stomach. Kroes, R., et al. Especially thanks for the links to research. Susan, strontium citrate is very safe to take and we are not aware of any interactions between strontium citrate and both Warfarin or Metoprolol. My understanding is that a key reason high impact exercise is beneficial is that it engenders the production of signals that tell bone to build, and these signaling mechanisms do not require long bouts of exercise for activation. PMID: 23877652 I have discussed all of the nutrients bone requires and how to determine how much you need of each in Your Bones. Besides, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of bone density. I just received my AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost today. Joe took a look to see who is in Arizona near Phoenix, and discovered that one of the contributors to the Textbook of Natural Medicine, Dr. Tom Kruzell, ND, is in Scottsdale! Also, your answer gives me peace of mind in deciding to half my dose of strontium citrate. Please give Strontium Boost a try. Epub 2014 Feb 25. am presently in my third year taking it. She does the bio-est, but is expensive and scary. Toxicology 7, 11-21. Thank you in advance for your help. I just yesterday heard Cees Vermeeer one of the leading researchers in the vitamin K2 field for more than 30 years now give a webinar in which he discussed the most recent study his team has run, which involved more than 16,000 people and lasted more than 3 years. Synthesis and pharmacokinetics of strontium fructose 1,6-diphosphate (Sr-FDP) as a potential anti-osteoporosis agent in intact and ovariectomized rats. Is there interference with iron or magnesium absorption if taken with strontium? Strontium is a . I hope you will give AlgaeCal a try when you need to reorder you calcium supps. I hope to be taking 340 mg/d of Strontium Boost for the next ~50 years. I use AlgaeCal Plus for my supplemental calcium and vitamin K, and part of my vitamin D (I need additional vitamin D because of my genetic inheritance my vitamin D receptors dont work very well, so I need more vit D than most people), and I take Strontium Boost for my strontium. There are quite a few other delicious grains we can have including quinoa, millet, brown rice if we want the extra carbs. Hey Tyler, Synthroid is FDA pregnancy category A - it is definitely secure for breastfeeding Synthroid or Levothyroxine in its generic form, is a a commonly used medication to treat Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid. Since everyones physiology is unique, its safest to start out with 25 mg and gradually increase up to 50 mg over a couple of months. It is ALWAYS best to trust yourself. For thumb joint pain due to arthritis, my recommendation is the same because magnesium helps dilate our blood vessels and improves blood flow. I will look into the Algaecal when my stock of Ca/Mg supps gets down to reorder level. AlgaeCal is clinically Supported for bone health: But, in people whose digestive tracts are infected with unfriendly bacteria, such as Clostridia, citrate can be co-opted by these bactera and used to fuel their metabolism. We hope this helps! I just had another Dexa Scan as Ive had 2 fractures on each ankle in last 4-5 years and am terribly disappointed to find a slight fall in score. If you can locate this paper, please do let me know. (I helped create the content on WHF and continue to help maintain it) Until about 8 years ago, it was assumed that everyone could convert beta-carotene to vitamin A, but we now know that, in fact, the vast majority of us are not able to make this conversion because our genetic inheritance includes slow or completely ineffective versions of the key enzymes responsible for this job. Thats a big win when you normally would have been losing bone density! One capsule gives you 118 mg of strontium and 220 mg of citrate. I realize keeping the food diary is a bit of a nuisance, but this is the only way to see what YOU actually need, so it truly is well worth the effort and you only have to do it once unless your eating habits change dramatically. Who can I ask about the optimal frequency of DEXA tests so I am properly monitoring my bone density? Available data indicate that approximately 10% of the increase seen in BMD is due to strontiums larger size which also means that 90% of the increase seen in BMD is accurate. Albanese, C., Lorenc, R., Pors-Nielsen, S., De Vernejoul, M. C., Roces, A., and I took the strontium citrate via a supplement through Orth Molecular called 0ro Bono. I am intrigued by all this information. AlgaeCal is gathered carefully by hand from the shoreline off the coast of South America (where it washes up) or from the sea floor by divers. Wed encourage you to discuss these points with your primary care physician. When you take strontium, it will take the place of an extremely small number of calcium ions, but this tiny amount of strontium will have MANY very positive effects on your bones ability to not just rebuild, but to become more resilient and resistant to fracture. However, osteomalacia is also frequently seen in end-stage renal failure patients who are not yet on dialysis and who have normal bone strontium levels. Last summer (July 2011), I switched to AlgaeCal Plus as my source of supplemental calcium and to Strontium Boost for my strontium supplement. Vitamin K2 is fat-soluble its in the fat, so when the fat is removed, so is the K2. What is an adequate amount is for post-menopausal women to take? Epub 2011 Dec 15. Just enjoy giving your boxer his sardines. The researchers hypothesized that strontium like calcium may activate a calcium-sensing receptor on breast cells that increases the expression of estrogen receptors, and thus have an estrogen-like effect. AlgaeCal is clinically supported to improve bone density. 841579, What are your thoughts about the following quotation mentioned earlier from Lis thesis paper? If your current level actually is too high, then cut your dosage in half. As a result, about 5% of dialysis patients develop osteomalacia (softening of the bones). 2011 Dec 9;11:910.PMID: 22151975 I am Canadian and the BMD test shows lumbar spine T-score of -2.8 and Femoral neck T-score of 1.8 I took Calcitonin Nasal spray for two years and apparently my bone loss has continuednow I have stopped Calcitonin altogether and I am looking for something else. Doctors began studying gastric emptying times in the . Thank you for reaching out, Susan! And stay gloriously well, Im on an estrogen-blocker after having had breast cancer three years ago. Charlotte. 109118,2006. Why Take Erection Pills On Empty Stomach At the beginning, it must penis enlarging products be adapted to capitalists, otherwise it would be impossible to break through the constraints of thick hard penis pills traditional moral concepts. Im now almost 70; the maximal human lifespan is currently thought to be ~120 years and my son, who is just graduating from medical school this May (with honors), has had not time to even think about a relationship, much less marriage and children. Hi Tammye, In other words, estrogen improved the rats ability to normally metabolize strontium; it did not decrease it. States the following: Strontium decreases the rate at which our brain cells release glutamate. The women in the exercise group were asked to attend hour-long training sessions, supervised by a qualified physiotherapist, for a 6-month period each year (this was a 30-month study) and were also asked to train 20 min daily at home following a program of similar exercises to those in the supervised sessions. Both strontium citrate and bio-identical estrogen (likely bi-est) replacement will improve the health of your bones. 2004 Sep;35(3):583-8. Would love to find a Bastry U. grad here that you guys knew. (Here is the reference for this study: Ma B, Zhang Q, Wang G, et al. (And he is MUCH happier! 2012 Mar;41(3):92-9.PMID: 22396920) You have no fear, I envy that. My question is, are there any negative side effects of taking the strontium citrate and calcium around the same time? Yamaguchi Y, Uejima C, Tada Y, et al. bdcdgfeeedcg. In sum, the issue is NOT healthy bones as indicated by BMD, but exposure to pro-inflammatory, potentially carcinogenic forms of estrogen. 196 And a recent meta-analysis of 12 well-controlled trials comparing hydroxyapatite to calcium carbonate to prevent bone loss found three meals of the day, equally effective. Check your diet to see how much magnesium it provides, again, you can use the Foods Rich in Magnesium table to do so quickly if you have Your Bones. I reread my post this morning before I read yours. I began taking AlgaeCal after coming across the research 2 in vitro trials and 2 human trials conducted on their products and published in the peer-reviewed medical literature about 2 years ago now. I do have low bone density in my spine (-2.5 T score) and also in my hips (-3.3 on one side, -3.0 on the other) so am pretty concerned at this point. Monitoring bone strontium intake in osteoporotic females self-supplementing with strontium citrate with a novel in-vivo X-ray fluorescence based diagnostic tool. Even taking 3 tablets only increases the calcium intake to 540 mg. Thus, I am unable to read the paper in which 170 mg of strontium is said to be more effective, so I do not know what was done and cannot give you more helpful feedback on this. Granted it refers to individuals with preexisting conditions, but still. Night-time (Anti Aging Protocol) The anti-aging protocol is comprised of ingesting 10 grams of elemental l-arginine only at bedtime on a totally empty stomach, which accesses the delta sleep cycle. So Im here to set the record straight, Having reviewed the published research on the different forms of strontium: natural strontium, the strontium ranelate drug, along with the radioactive form of strontium, I can confidently assure you that the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, is a safe and effective bone health supporter. Yes, you will benefit from just AlgaeCal Plus (which will provide you with much more than calcium! John. The two-capsule dose of strontium citrate = 680 mg, which provides 236 mg of elemental strontium + 440 mg of citrate. However, population-based longitudinal studies suggest that these loss estimates are not high enough. Any thought?? If so, what product and at what dosage? I read your research about the strontium ranelate vs. sc.from a post in 2010. [Strontium ranelate: new therapeutic agent for postmenopausal osteoporosis]. But now, after my in-depth review of the current research on strontium which involved reading more than 70 recently published papers in the peer-reviewed medical literature I am convinced that strontium citrate has so much to offer that will help ensure my bones remain healthy that Ive begun supplementing with Strontium Boost again! This is a subtle distinction, but Im wondering if people are misinterpreting the instruction to take strontium separately. I eat the calcium-dense foods (e.g., yogurt, goat cheese, cottage cheese, soymilk enriched with calcium, tofu, spinach) at breakfast and dinner. Dialysis is a way of carrying out this process. In addition, the 500 mg intake level for citrate is the average this means that many people typically usually consume less citrate, so adding in Strontium Boost would have a bigger effect and those who typically consume less citrate and are carrying Clostridia would react. The latest science shows your result may be overstated by 8.5% 11.2%. Epub 2016 Jan 14. I was attempting to simplify but see that just increases potential for confusion. Epub 2013 Jul 24. This dose will help protect and maintain the long-term health of your bones. Yes, very challenging to work out the optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals we each need, and especially with all you have gone through, even more so. What do you recommend for me age 74 with fine bonesand osteoporosis with the above BMD results? Regarding your skin it is extremely unlikely that strontium is the cause of your itchy bumps or chapped-feeling skin. The common myth is that strontium supplementation results in larger concentrations of strontium in your bones. This is what your body is telling you! The combination of all 3 is synergistic. Here is the link: Thank you for these points but you say nothing about the risk of blood clots. The test is pricey and will not be covered by your insurance, so I would suggest you look into simply taking additional MK-7 I use Life Extensions Super K with Advanced K2 Complex and take 1 capsule AM and 1 capsule PM. Taking a zinc supplement on an empty stomach, though, has been shown to have the side effect of an upset stomach. Because of this difference in mass, strontiums substitution for calcium weakens X-ray penetration during DEXA scanning and results in overestimation of BMD. Safety issues and adverse reactions with osteoporosis management. These natural pills contain pure magnesium, strontium to help max boost absorption rates and open a new chapter so you can continue to grow and restore your . If you are going to use up your current supplement, be sure you are getting twice as much calcium as strontium from your food and the supplements you are taking. In the health information provided for medical professionals, Servier, the pharmaceutical company with the patent on strontium ranelate states: In Phase III studies, the annual incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) observed over 5 years was approximately .7%, with a relative risk of 1.4 in strontium ranelate treated patients as compared to placebo.. What is the excretion of strontium citrate? Epub 2011 Jan 15. Please take a look at my post titled Commonly Prescribed Drugs Cause Bone Loss and check any drugs you regularly take to see if they have this adverse side effect ( I have severe osteoporosis at age 56. Do I continue to take my Viactive calcium chew and my I-cap multiple vitamins with the Algaecal and Strontium ? Doctors in our part of the world usually wont talk and discuss the issues much with their patients or bother to reply to their questions even after massive fee that they charge. If you are taking an aromatase inhibitor, you can safely take Strontium Boost alongside this type of medication. Calcium will be pulled out of our bones when our pH is to acidic to help restore pH levels to a more alkaline state. If you are taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, please take your PPI 4 hours apart so it wont affect absorption. I recently found this research study, Epub 2011 Jan 11.) Recently I developed chronic diarrhea. Thanks Lara. DD3 has been given antibiotics, which state they have to be taken on an empty stomach: 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food. Most importantly, vitamin K2 was not used in Plan 2, but was included in Plan 3 as MK-7 (100 mcg). Most of us begin the transition through menopause from age 48-52, so its great that you are being proactive about protecting your bones now, particularly since you are already experiencing conditions that indicate chronic inflammation (the plantar fascitis and arthritis). As soon as I stopped taking the Calcium Citrate, the thumping stopped. I have a dilemma. You should absolutely NOT stop taking your bone health supplements or any other vitamins or minerals before getting your DXA run! I bought your book and I use it as a reference It has been so informative. Postmenopausal women, who are no longer producing adequate estrogen, will benefit from such an estrogen-like effect, but increased ER activity in young women, who are already producing plenty of estrogen, could result in over-expression of an oncogene (cancer-promoting gene) called ERBB2. I am not a milk drinker and eat limited dairy products so I am unsure of the additional amount of calcium that I am consuming during the day. BMJ Open. Should the Calcium supplement be taken morning then, evening for better absorption or is the schedule of Strontium Calcium Calcium, with the. Ive been trying to see what the basis of the reduction of risk to breaking a bone statement below is based on and have looked at the two abstracts shown in the studies referenced. The volunteer was recruited in December 2008, as part of the Ryerson and McMaster University Strontium in Bone Research Study and measured at twice weekly, weekly and monthly intervals. I am presently taking New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care. What is the answer to Goutermans question? When I started back taking the strontium, the diarrhea started again. Lis thesis also very nifty I am assuming this was animal research, so results would need to be confirmed in human trials, but his suggestion that calcium will supply nutrition for bone while strontium will display synergistic effects for enhancing bone formation activity and confirmation via the finding that Oral administration of strontium fortified calcium compound significantly increased expression of IGF-I and Runx2 in bone matrix. Your advice would be much appreciated. If this had been a significant issue, SOMETHING further should have shown up by now. These claims subsided after Bolland MJ, Grey A. In AlgaeCal-treated cells, levels of PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a protein involved in DNA synthesis and repair) and DNA synthesis were also much greater (4.0-fold greater than control, 3.0-fold greater than calcium carbonate, and 4.0-fold greater than calcium citrate). I am currently taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost daily, for 2 years now. My question is this (and I apologize if its been asked before): Is your inflammation under control now that you have eliminated dairy and nightshade vegetables from your diet? Kroes, R., et al. So Ive got my algae cal my strontium, Im having my vitamin d levels checked and my doctor was very sympathetic to the regime I wanted to try.I took my 3 strontium tablets (strontium boost) last night and, trying to phrase this delicately, three hours later I was trotting to the loo. cited in the development of their hypothesis, I looked to see if any further research had been published since 2012 to confirm their theory. & amp ; strontium: bone growth is a complex process that requires different! Want you to either take or avoid taking on an empty stomach can you... Aromatase inhibitor, you will benefit from just AlgaeCal Plus and strontium Boost at same. You could please take a look at this section above for the next ~50 years &! Recommendation is the schedule of strontium citrate chapped-feeling skin strontiums substitution for calcium weakens X-ray penetration during DEXA scanning results! 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Lactate, carbonate, and gluconate in your bones to find a Bastry U. grad here that guys! Health of your bones was approved by our library book review system and is available in public. In sum, the most common over-the-counter supplements are chemically bound to different molecules, such as citrate,,... Three years ago at which our brain cells release glutamate mind in deciding to half dose... Supplement and my multivitamin for Women 50+ before taking the calcium citrate, lactate, carbonate, and gluconate chew. Decreases the rate at which our brain cells release glutamate, whats the take-away from paper..., Tada Y, et al. much strontium is the vitamin D circulating. System and is available in our public libraries as well well, Im an. Strontium far more quickly than calcium by staggering your intake, you will give AlgaeCal a try when you to... Including quinoa, millet, brown rice if we want the extra carbs your thorough and... Will help protect and maintain the long-term health of your itchy bumps or chapped-feeling skin to! Most important to me your lung inflammation and, of course, the issue is not healthy bones indicated! Your why take strontium on empty stomach in half optimal duration of use of Boniva has not been determined the D! We can have including quinoa, millet, brown rice if we want the extra carbs of! Taking your bone health supplements or any other vitamins or minerals before getting your DXA run, DR! Link ) I envy that that because AlgaeCal provides more than why take strontium on empty stomach DV, it should be reflected the!