There are a few niggles for some fans, such as the lack of custom Legions (you have to simply copy the Legion thatbest matches your intended playstyle), the removal of some wargear options for popular units (jump packs for Chaos Lords are a thing of the past), and some Dark Hereticus Discipline powers feeling a little underpowered. Are Two Wound Cult Marines going to be the next big thing? Warp Talons are daemonic versions of Raptors, boasting a pair of Warp claws (lightning claws), plus a 5+ invulnerable save and ability to trap opponents and keep them from falling back if you win a roll off (50/50 odds). There are four different units Chaos Space Marine armies can pull from the specialized legions, three of which are in other books/supplements. They make wonderful backfield objective holders if they can stay out of line of sight, they raise banners just as well as more expensive units, they make wonderful screens, and theyre garbage enough that shooting them will almost certainly be a waste of bullets for your opponent. There are a number of other options here that are exclusive to the Imperial Armour Compendium but none of them are worth taking. His 12 move gives him a ton of mobility, and as soon as you give him the ability to Advance and charge he can cover insane amounts of ground and even attempt turn 1 charges if you want to play hyper-aggressively. Bell of Lost Souls℗ is a registered trademark of So as long as this guy is scuttling around the field on early turns, you get a sweet little cast bonus on your Master of Possession that helps him get out key spells. Also note that taking an Icon does not give them the. On the whole defilers are frustrating. The most gracious, benevolent rules writers have decided the time is nigh!Here is my reaction to the 2 wound chaos space marine announcement.My Patreon - IG - Escape 3 - TV Station Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use purposes such as criticism, commentary, parody, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.All images or other trademarks (other than my own) are either , TM and/or to their respective company owners. Lets meet the gang. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! But the real value is the Blastmaster, which can pick between a 48 Heavy 3 S8, AP-3 3-damage mode (which ups to 4 damage at <24) or a 36 Assault 6 S5 Ap-2 1-damage model (which ups to 2 at 18), either of which are very nasty. On the more generic side buffs tend to be more useful than debuffs, and Benediction of Darkness and Illusory Supplication are both solid, with the latter being extremely useful for keeping your black rune Terminator brick on the table. The book clocks in at 184 pages, and covers the lore of various Space Marine legions who have fallen into Chaos -- as well as the history of the Horus Heresy, recently . When a unit with this ability Remains stationary during the Movement phase (or is a TERMINATOR or BIKER) fires a Rapid Fire bolt weapon, it can make double the number of attacks. But the second and biggest portion of Let the Galaxy Burn comes in the form of the Chaos Space Marines equivalent to the loyalist marines Combat Doctrines titledWanton Acts. Theres a ton of versatility at the top of any Chaos Space Marines list. Im starting to think thats not a Tyranid wing. Note that if you do this youre spending the 3 CP for the Detachment; the only Faction keyword shared between detachments will be CHAOS, which doesnt get you the refund. With the 9th edition codex release theyve become significantly more useful, owing to the fact that they have the CORE keyword and now get legion traits to take advantage of, but at the same time they see almost no use, because theyre an Elites option that doesnt offer better shooting than the Decimator nor better melee than one of the myriad other options in the book, and thats without costing you 1 CP to field. Names, trademarks, and images copyright theirrespective owner. Well take that deal every single day. Chaos Marines have become much more durable in their 9th edition codex, with several ways to improve that durability such as the Black Rune of Damnation and the Mark of Nurgle. 2 Wound Chaos Space Marines are FINALLY coming! Hes great as a front line threat and able to charge in and take out key targets, punching up. He works well with pretty much all of the units you want in the army, from Terminators to Chosen to Possessed, and hes good enough to elevate some of the armys more borderline units, like Obliterators and Land Raiders (giving a Land Raider T10 with Mutated Invigoration is pretty funny). This pairs well with the Mark of Tzeentch to give you two 4+ invulnerable saves to hand out per turn, but chances are you wont need Skeins if you have this. What else does GW have in store? This is a unit that can reliably hold the middle of the table with support from a Master of Possession and can brawl with most of the games major threats. They still lack the CORE keyword. , and each time they make an attack with a Rapid Fire, Assault, or Pistol weapon, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. Its about freakin time! Some of the Chaos Space Marines vehicles are Daemon Engines, meaning theyve had powerful daemons bound within them, imbuing them with supernatural abilities. This is incredibly good, particularly in the Emperors Children where units that normally cant have the SLAANESH keyword can get it, like say, Land Raiders shooting D6+2 damage shots. But here's the thing, you don't have to wait. This is one of those stratagems youll very rarely use, but will be happy it exists when it keeps a unit alive on a back objective in close game. That unit gets +1 Toughness. The actions rider is a nice addition, though most of the actions people actually do these days finish at the end of their turn, so youll seldom use the first part unless its to prevent an action from being started the following turn. Upgrades a melee weapon to be a Relic and adds D3 to the weapons Damage characteristic. Now Marks of Chaos have a power and points cost,and they dont justonlyattach rules keywords to a unit or model; they grant them useful in-game abilities too. You can only make one attack, you get +1 to hit, and if you hit you do 2D3 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends. From there you have a number of options for the unit, mostly based on the kill team upgrade options. This isnt bad, but having a gun with Blast means that while the Defiler is in melee, a thing it is ostensibly here for, it cant shoot. This means your choice of chaos god patron for your army Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, or Chaos Undivided matters more than ever before, and itll change how your army performs on the battlefield. Its great for Terminators and Possessed, and particularly good against elite armies like Custodes that rely on having BS/WS 2+ and re-rolls to hit. But now? The Imperial Armour Compendium updated these to be 115 points and be able to arrive on the battlefield turn 1. Each has its own advantages and quirks. This is separate from the HERETIC ASTARTES keyword in that it denotes the faction. You also want to give one a Cyclone missile launcher if youre taking one to maximize its output. Well be skipping over the special named characters, as well be covering those in their relevant legion sections, with the exception of Abaddon, who well mention here because hes much more than a fixture in Black Legion armies. Its a very strong trick to have. Fast, tough, and thanks to Malicious Volleys able to push out a crazy number of bolter shots, Chaos Bikers can make a great addition to an army as a mobile fire base capable of putting out heavy volumes of mid-range, mid-strength shooting. You typically want Lasher Tendrils over Magma cutters if you run them. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Chaos Space Marines - Dark Apostle - Singles - Warhammer 40,000 at the best online prices at eBay! The ability to hit the closest visible enemy for mortals is a, less useful when you cant move before firing it off (though you can save your prayer for the. These documents collect amendments to the rules and present our responses to Chaos Space Marines have some of the games best melee threats Possessed, Abaddon, Chaos Space Marines, Lords Discordant, Masters of Executions, and Chosen are all absolutely nasty threats, and you can make most of them even better with relics, warlord traits, and upgrades. Until the end of the phase, each time an enemy model shoots, if that NURGLE unit is not the closest eligible target or within 12, then until that shooting is resolved, that model cant target that NURGLE unit. Word Bearers Esoterist / Diabolist Credit: RichyP. Thats not a bad profile for what you pay, and if you take an Ogryn, you use its Toughness for attacks against the unit and you have to allocate attacks and mortal wounds to the Ogryn first. When you hit with this weapon, the target takes D3 mortal wounds. The monofaction bonus for Chaos Space Marines, if every unit from your army has the TRAITORIS ASTARTES keyword (excluding AGENT OF CHAOS and UNALIGNED models), and every unit from your army is from the same Legion (except for Abaddon), then you get these rules: On top of this whenever a unit with this rule shoots with a flame weapon, when you determine how many attacks are made with the weapon you add 2 to the result. On the flip side, this unit can be incredibly annoying to remove thanks to its. The rules presented in the 8th edition (printed 2018) version of Codex: Space Wolves are no longer supported, and cannot be used. Writer, Editor, Texas Native, and Austinite for 15+ years, Adam covers all things Tabletop Gaming. Otherwise, you can always find the latest successful lists by visiting 40kstats. With the way 9th edition games are structured, you need 1-2 units that can reliably work in the middle of the table and bully enemies off objectives and for CSM, Terminators with the Black Rune are that unit. Night Lords can also get some value out of them, where the Legion Trait combos with the Fearsome aura for a -3 Ld debuff that can put units with Ld 8 on 5, triggering the +1 to wound bonus. Blessed by all four Chaos Gods but loyal to none, he leads the reborn and remixed Sons of Horus now known as the Black Legion and incorporating parts of all traitor legions in a never-ending crusade against the Imperium. Chaos Space Marines still have access to cheap troops in the form of Cultists and Traitor Guard. The big issue with this prayer is that if you want a durability boost, Illusory Supplication is just so much better. Until your next Psychic phase, each time a friendly DAEMONKIN or DAEMON ENGINE unit makes an attack against that unit, it gets +1 to wound. All TRAITORIS ASTARTES units (excluding CULTISTS, SLAVES TO DARKNESS, and AGENTS OF CHAOS) with this ability gain a Legion Trait, provided every unit in your army is from the same Legion. As a mele threat, Raptors are OK. In this section, well discuss using each of these units outside of their parent legions. None of the basic faction secondaries are reliable, and only two of the Legion secondaries merit consideration. A carryover from Death Guard, this one looks better than it is. Each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, re-roll a hit roll of 1 and the target does not receive the benefits of cover against that attack. Raptors generally show up as 5-man squads in Creations of Bile when they see competitive play, showing up as small squads that can do actions and annoy opponents. Note that the November 2021 Balance Dataslate limits you to two Flyers in a 2,000 point army. The Secondary Objectives available to Chaos Space Marines are not particularly good. Each one comes with the. If you beat the units toughness, one model in the unit is destroyed. With the rise of Primaris Space Marines, he may now have all the new material hell ever need to twist Chaos Space Marines into new forms, finally perfecting his lifes work. Phew, that was an odyssey! But if you made a Defiler much better at one of those two things for cheaper, you just end up with Forgefiends and Maulerfiends. Like the Black Rune Of Damnation, its best use is giving it to a non-Characters unit leader to make a model that hits much harder than expected and comes with ablative bodies. The faster, less killy brother of the Lord of Skulls, the Kytan is essentially a Khorne Chaos Knight, only it retains the HERETIC ASTARTES, DAEMON, and keywords and is a DAEMON ENGINE, and so can benefit from a some faction synergies that Chaos Knights dont get, such as getting +1 to hit in melee form a Lord Discordant, or getting access to Chaos Space Marine Stratagems. They still lack the CORE keyword. If you see something, or if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us at Instead, well cover each section with a general discussion of the good units, relics and stratagems, point out any traps, and then discuss how these pieces fit into a competitive army. The only small drop pod the Chaos Marines have access to. On top of that, the Mark of Slaanesh gives you the, Stratagem, letting you change a die roll for a hit/wound/damage to a 6 in the Shooting or Fight phase, while, lets you punish enemy units attempting to Fall Back by consolidating 3 or shooting the unit leaving. If youre going this route, your best option is likely going to be taking a trio of War Dog Executioners. The god prayers are all pretty solid, though Blissful Devotion which gives a SLAANESH CORE or CHARACTER unit within 6 the ability to advance and charge is the clear winner of them for its ability to push units like the Lord Discordant into a turn 1 charge. Chaos Space Marines have a number of interesting Elites choices, most of them specializing in melee combat or mid-range shooting. This ability replaces and upgrades the usual rules for firing Rapid Fire weapons, such as Bolters. If Chaos has a direct human form, it may be in Haarken Worldclaimer, who takes a savage glee in battle, with his vast army of jetpack-borne Chaos Raptors. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, roll a D6 each time a model in that unit loses a wound; on a 5+ it doesnt lose that wound. At base, they offer a 3-wound, 3-attacks, LD10, 2+ save model with Armour of Contempt, but add to that an Accursed Weapon that gives them an additional S5 AP-3 attack and youve got a unit that even in its base configuration can do quite a bit of damage and is hard to shift. On the whole, the ability to toss out mortal wounds at 24 is pretty solid, and Decimators offer that on a fairly durable platform. Note that, per the FAQ, the Liber Hereticus relic will not increase the range of this aura. On its surface this objective seems pretty solid, but once you start playing with it you quickly realize that scoring it is contingent on letting your opponent take objectives so you can kill them off those objectives or take them. Just think how durable that will make units like Rubric Marines or Plague Marines.. Until the end of the phase, HERETIC ASTARTES models in that unit can reroll hit rolls for melee attacks made against ADEPTUS ASTARTES or SANCTIC ASTARTES units. This is also great, and something youll use frequently if youre playing with the likes of Maulerfiends and Decimators. The god prayers are all pretty solid, though, which gives a SLAANESH CORE or CHARACTER unit within 6 the ability to advance and charge is the clear winner of them for its ability to push units like the Lord Discordant into a turn 1 charge. If psychic powers arent your thing, what about praying to the dark gods for help? As a melee monster himself, hes good but not so good that he belongs in every list you may often find, as most Emperors Children and Creations of Bile players have that hes more superfluous. The lowly rhino is still on the expensive side but has fringe play as a transport for key units in the new Codex. Generally speaking, this isnt bad. 998.M41. rule now, which has you roll 2D6 each time the bearer is selected to fight. These guys were so powerful they had to be nerfed not one, not two, but three times over the course of 8th edition. Not only will they still get to shoot/attack on the way out, they just got twice as tough to kill! Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated! Theres still some real value in being able to turn on Transhuman, particularly for a character about to get punched by a dreadnought or something big. So whether you can take Flamers in Emperors Children without losing army benefits will vary by event. AP-3 and ideally AP-4. After the legion fell to Chaos, he continued his quest, facing down many in single combat to prove that he is the finest swordsman who ever existed. They come with lasguns, but up to three models can replace theirs with a special weapon, though you cant double up on these. In a list that can get it the Iron Warriors Legion trait, it is going to be very tough to deal with as it pounds holes in the enemy army with its firepower. This is primarily a review of the units and options that are specific to Chaos Space Marines, but Chaos Space Marines can be combined with Daemons and Chaos Knights in interesting ways, and well talk about those as well. This is a massive blow to anyone who wanted to soup in non-traditional ways. Fortunately for us, there are very few Chaos Space Marine units in that category. 6.8K views, 201 likes, 39 loves, 64 comments, 12 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from MiniWarGaming: 2 wounds on Chaos Space Marines confirmed!!! UghPlague Marines got a HUGE buff with this one and Death Guard are going to kick so much butt because you wont be able to kill them. This can be given to a CULTISTS model. If the target has 11+ models or youre in Wanton Destruction, they take D3+3 mortal wounds instead. Five models with bolters or chainswords. Generally speaking, the effectiveness of most prayers is blunted by the fact that Dark Apostles are slow unlike their loyalist chaplain counterparts, they get neither bikes nor jump packs, and so auras abilities they may get are much less useful given how likely it is that their beneficiaries will quickly outpace them running toward key targets and objectives. These are a horde unit and wont do much in either melee or ranged combat, but they will do one thing: theyll draw fire whilst you get your units into position. Hellbrutes used to have some weird outside play when they had 8 movement as cheap, mobile melee threats but since every 9th edition Codex has dropped them back to 6 movement theyve become slow vehicles that neither have enough attacks nor enough shooting to be good enough to see play. It also can benefit from the Smokescreen stratagem for -1 to Hit, making it surprisingly annoying for opponents to deal with. Pick a TZEENTCH unit within 18. That chaos symbol could probably give you tetanus and its not even that Nurgly. This will not be a problem for you, generally speaking there are a very limited number of HQ slots for you to work with and youll rarely want to double up on these units. The Crown has a 4+ invulnerable save aura which expands in range every turn, but again, the thing is only even deployable meaningfully in some tournaments and its not worth the effort to bring. Finally, in the third round, you can choose between Wanton Massacre and Wanton Slaughter the latterthen becoming mandatory for the fourth andfifth Battle Rounds. Horus was the fulcrum around which the Chaos Space Marines pivoted from loyalty to heresy. The Ravager had a competitive statline at the start of 9th edition but has rapidly fallen behind both regular Chaos Knights, which are more deadly, and the Lord of Skulls, which is tougher and more deadly. Click for details. Space Marines have Chapters, Chaos Space Marines have Legions. Then grab your eight-pointed star and strap in because Chaos Space Marines may be the army for you! Each time an attack is made against that unit an unmodified 1-3 on the hit roll automatically fails, irrespective of any abilities that weapon or model may have, and the attacks hit roll cant be re-rolled. Although theyll often disappoint you in melee with their 4+ to hit, they can surprise and their big value in Codex: Chaos Space Marines is that they heal back to full health each time an enemy unit shoots or fights them but doesnt kill them. Thats OK though, because its literally free. Your Tzeentch unit can shoot that unit as though it were your shooting phase, provided it is an eligible target. Chaos Space Marines look like Marines, but dont let that fool you: They have a very different feel and play style to standard Space Marines, with a much more aggressive melee-focused approach to the game. Although the Heldrake can drop into Hover mode and reliably make a turn 1 charge with its 20 movement, with only 5 attacks that do 2 damage against most targets, its seldom going to do real damage, and because its an AIRCRAFT it cant actually hold anything in combat units can just make a normal move to get away. On most tables your Executioners can act as reliable backfield objective holders and still be a potent threat. The Lord of Skulls is like a less mobile knight that trades access to Chaos Knight Stratagems and rules for the and DAEMON ENGINE KEYWORDS. This is kind of a double-edged sword however, as it means Chaos Space Marines armies are light on characters in the Elites slot, and so taking more than 3 will often mean having two detachments, something you dont want to do. Im sure there could be some deep tactical analysis of all the chaos units and how their stratagems would go even further to enhance their abilities. In Creations of Bile they trade more on having S5 attacks, which lets them punch up against heavier targets where you can use. ALL THE CHAOS REVEALS! The Crown has a 4+ invulnerable save aura which expands in range every turn, but again, the thing is only even deployable meaningfully in some tournaments and its not worth the effort to bring. Upgrades a melee weapon. This is a very good ability to have, and helps dramatically improve your damage output by helping you score additional hits. This is particularly a challenge when it comes to your Psyker characters: Youll typically want a Master of Possession, but will seldom want to waste his casts on doing Psychic Interrogation, forcing you to find a way to fit another psyker character into the army and that has to be an HQ choice. The added bonus of the 9+ cast means that about 28% of your casts will be un-deniable, which is a nice bonus, but not something you can depend on. BoLS Interactive LLC. In addition, Chaos Space Marines have Daemon Weapons, special Relic upgrades for weapons, most of which require a specific mark of Chaos. They arent terrible, but youre paying for them to be OK at two things and in reality youd just prefer it if they were better at one. They really need a Rhino, Dreadclaw, or other transport to get them to the fight, but they can be properly annoying to handle and theyre great for going up against tougher units with damage reduction. This is a solid strat for preventing your opponents psychic nonsense, and will most commonly be done with Abaddon, who bears all four marks and doesnt mind being in the middle of the table. This is OK, but the number of situations where it matters are pretty small and usually you want other effects on your Warlord. You can find more on the math behind the marks and how they affect play in our. Pick a < Legion > TZEENTCH unit can be incredibly annoying to remove thanks to.... 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