Some countries are wonderful places to live. I have traveled throughout North and Central America, Europe, and Africa. The customer agent almost didnt give us boarding passes due to this but I was able to persuade her otherwise. I have found that even in the places most noted for the rudeness of their inhabitants, a big friendly smile, an attempt to speak a few words in the native language, and the ability to laugh at yourself go A LONG WAY towards eliciting kindness from anyone anywhere. I am Polish since 2004 had been living and non stop working in Dublin. That isnt to say that you cant find nice people in Parisbut dont be surprised if you have to search them out. Now, lets cut to the chase, and check out the list. Wow. I got a flat tire in Stirling and the guys delivering beer came over and offered to fix it. But there are parts of India ,away from the cities , where people are very nice. Their mannerisms? All one has to do is emulate and imitate their gestures; learn a few of their greetings, and they will love you. If you go by what many publications have suggested, then the ugliest person in the world is Ugandan Godfrey Baguma. Get unlimited data for your trip with our United Kingdom Sim Card. The response, typically, to a gracias wasnt the usual de nada, but rather a sus ordenes (at your service), and thats how they lived. Most Americans and Europeans from our company who deal with our Indian counterparts in the U.S. and in India find the same trends I do. This even works in New York City. I also speak extensive Italian (mostly self-taught) because we travel there frequently. Because building shopping malls seems to be the primary goal of the people of Andorra, that little landlocked nation smack in the rocky, craggy heart of the Pyrenees. 3rd place: Axolotl. This is what were talking about, not for any special case. And so they grow a little tobacco, import nearly all their food and dedicate themselves to the shopping and services industries. Guatemala City, Guatemala This fumes-and-crime-filled city is the capital of an otherwise beautiful country. I fell in love with this beautiful country. If you look a statue someone will come up and tell you who the subject is and then demand money. After maybe 30 minutes he has a horde of angry Texas chasing after him. Stunning is also good. I speak, read and write respectable French (minored in College over 40 years ago) and am so glad that I can communicate in their native language. International SIM Card Maybe his wish was that we spoke 50 languages including French, Lol. I think Canadians are wayyyy more nicer that Americans, Americans are just really rude obviously not everyone in America is rude but most are racist. Do you now see how effing ridiculous you sound. It is not subjective. Well, we were treated like royalty everywhere we went. 1. Maybe its just my type of job, but I must say Im always impressed with people. Natural beauty and man-made wonders, 10 Ugliest Cities in the World They also seem to have no concept of queueing- proven by the fact theyll casually and unashamedly push in front of you in any given queue. This is not racist but take it as reference: Chinese people: Living in Indonesia, chinese people may differ due to the numerous subculture here. I have visited there 7 or 8 times since my first visit in 1970.. Kiwis are the worst people on the planet, rude, hostile, arrogant, small minded and extremely misogynist and racist. | This troubled land would be an undeveloped country, possibly even one of the [least developed countries]((/country-rankings/least-developed-countries), and a much worse place to live. Dont generalized, not all Filipinos are like that. Haiti, gang land El Salvador or an extremely long list of extremely poor. The Quebecers are the rudest people, right up there with the Parisians. Not my fault you let her drink and she wants to flirt with other guys then him. Some people in China were extremley nice. and being mistreated by airport US Customs. Ive found that people all over the world reflect YOUR attitude toward them. Their cultures Buddhist base really comes through in many ways. By far the most arrogant, agressive, abusive, rude and soul-less people in the world. The post you are responding to was obviously written in jest. (I like Americans, no worries). But in a true sense our ISLAM teaches us that we should b ehical to all.. Love from Pakistan!!!!!!!. Based on working with them for 6 years now, I have to say all of the above is true. I am Canadian and have traveled many times on long-distance travel around North America (big cities and rural areas) and the Americans are far more apt to strike up a conversation than Canadians. Indian women are generally viewed as exotic and stunningly beautiful, having been crowned 5 times as Miss World. It's certainly a place I never thought I'd visit. Americans generally perceived to be like Trump. Of course if you only speak about French and Italians it has as much meaning as asking : are neighbors friendly it is quite incredible how Americans are internationally unaware and politically unawakened. I have to give the award for friendliest country to Germany. CHINA has the rudest people by far!!! Capital city: Andorra La Vella, population 22,000and the highest capital city in Europe, at 3,356 feet. Well duh you went to shithole mayo filled Windsor Of course theyre rude cuz their miserable.. shouldve came to Toronto, Ive travelled to Argentina and found out that they are very friendly, it was a very pleasant trip. how can we judge a person or a nation by one millionth percent of their population on any given day. My friend had a horrible outsized monster suitcase (learned pack lightly the hard way!) they list France as the number one in friendliest and rude? These days, its easy to find audio familiarization courses and podcasts for the worlds major languages, and you can buy recorded materials for just about any language in the world online, so if you can afford to go overseas, theres no excuse for not spending an extra $30 or so to learn a few phrases. Guys u cant judge people like this!! I have lived here for 36 years and travelled to 20 different countries. Mexico City: This is the most dangerous city in the world, no wonder why it is part of the globe's ugliest cities.What makes this city not safe for everyone, both to locals and visitors, are the criminals that found a paradise in this district. When the waiter came to take their order, they handed him printed index cards with French phrases to communicate with him. Rebellious Andean bear sneaks out of US zoo . How perfect are we to think that every moment of every day of the year (8,760 hours) that we too are at our best. I also find German people very easy to talk to and get along with as well. 15 Countries With The Ugliest Women In The World20 Countries With The Most Beautiful Women In The Worldare women in Africa ugly?are women in Argentina ugly?are women in Australia ugly?are women in Canada ugly?are women in China ugly?are women in Germany ugly?are women in India ugly?are women in Lithuania ugly?are women in Mexico ugly?are women in Portugal ugly?are women in South Korea ugly?are women in Spain ugly?are women in the united kingdom ugly?are women in Turkey ugly?Beauty Standardsfacial symmetryhow beauty is perceived in different culturesList XFinanceSlideshowwhich country has the ugliest womenShow moreShow less, 10 Easiest And Cheapest Countries to Study Abroad, 11 Best Debate Topics On Current Affairs in India, 6 Most Effective Interrogation Techniques and Tactics Used By The Police and CIA, 11 Best Climate Change Charities in US, Canada, UK, and Australia, 7 Best Jobs For Retired Special Education Teachers, 10 Best Online Homeschool Programs for Kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities. Pakistan not far behind. A man came to me, and said, Do you want to have dinner at my house? I politely accepted. Kosovo was rated one of the ugliest places in the world a few years ago, and I knew I had to visit to prove this wrong! The rudeness is not real. sorry, but they are so slow and rude people !! Filipinos are not racist or whatnot, theres a lot of Indians who are living here, well actually not just Indians, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Americans, Singaporean, Canadian, name it. People are warm and tender. Just like if you continuously hit your head against the wall, at some point (probably after concussion) you realize that walls are hard. They were very brilliant, and lovely people. You will always welcome it, will always have someone inviting you to leave, to take a swim, sleeping in his house, to shake his hand and hug you and not even know you well. Leave a comment on your experiences. Well Im not rlly the traveling type but Nevadans can be pretty kewl, dudeeee egyptian are the nicest people ever they seriously treat u like a family. Forty years ago in Quebec Canada while refueling, a French man sounded angry that we asked for directions. But you should try Baltimore. I said, Im cold! We met the most generous people. Yes, Im American and New Yorkers are full of ugly ratass ugly butt-looking people. Countries with lots of music in the street are bound to be friendlier and in better dispositions. This man has tattooed himself from head to toe, including every single body part, and now he has become a scary one. This love comes from the courtesey and friendship offered by most every English person Ive ever encountered. They are also known for very rude service in restaurants and stores. It is important to note that the site doesnt have many users from the Middle East and Africa, so the data is incomplete. Revealed: Top 9 UGLIEST Countries In The World 2022 World Realities TV 367 subscribers Subscribe 12K views 3 weeks ago Ugliest Countries In The World 2022. Ive lived in several different countries. Ive hitchhiked throughout America, Canada, many places in Europe and found the friendliness of Australians to be beyond compare. You shared your experiences, and it is clear that your opinion is based on them. . Here's the ugly truth: Detroit is ugly. The world in general is a lot friendlier place if youre a white traveler. Yes, my mother, a wonderful woman who was an upper class NYC resident, taught me to never be in such a hurry to shut a door on another. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Cookie Settings. I am from Spain and live in 8 different countries over 6 years I live in NZ for 3 years and Aus for 1 and kiwi people were kindest, nicest most genuine people I ever meet. By the way, Ive also worked in law enforcement and have no illusions about sensible areas to visit. Simply a no thank you would have been sufficient. Berlin's industrial areas are shabby and unloved. Its a country both blessed and blistered by prosperityand they can have it. I have been in several middle eastern countries where IRAN tops the rank of most hospitable country ever. You should not judge a peoples friendliness solely by the way they treat tourists. So, when you arrive in the US take a deep breath. How many have you visited? A swordfish statue in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ALAMY Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Anyone who has seen footage of palm-oil plantations scarring. Much more friendly and helpful people. This could be related to the cultural differences mentioned earlier in the article. Paler or tanned skin tones? Take another deep breath when they allow you to leave and try to enjoy your trip. Try driving in a major australian city. Mauritius: Ugliest Country in the world? They never say please or thank you & REALLY mean it. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. In Tiverton, England we were arriving at our B&B where some people were outside enjoying themselves having a beer and they even helped us with our baggage and asked us to join their party and they didnt even work there! this guy was eager to paint us in his stupid canvas and we rejected him then he started shouting at us in french. I have to defend the French. we spoke in Spanish throughout our meals and they looked at us like they were petrified. The young Czech male drivers will literally run you over and drive on! Ive lived all over the world and its the only country Ive hated with a burning passion. Lets turn the table for a minute. The rest of the family, who didnt speak a word of French, had neutral or bad experiences. Theres nothing in there but a bunch of dirty underwear. Next year we are going back to Paris, and visiting Barcelona and Italy for the first time. Lol they dont care for anyone but themselves. have you been to Haiti? From the moment you get off the airplane at Beef Island youre met by a rude Customs and Immigration Officers. The French people in Paris are stuck up and adhere to a very severe class system. The island has powdery white sandy beaches and turquoise lagoon all . And if you disrespect them they will certainly let you know it. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. Support Are you from the ugliest country in the world? TRY AGAIN. I do agree Indian culture, tradition and food is great but they need to be more toleratnt and understanding about other cultures , beliefs and food. The last time we went, we rented villas through Parker Villas. Anyone who claims that filipinos are rude are just plainly ignorant and just didnt appreciate what we have. Greek tour directors (licensing / union / what-not are comprable to Greek civil servants. People of diverse faiths co-exist and co-habit in perfect harmony. In Montepulciano, two apparently unoccupied carabinieri escorted us for five miles to a farmhouse we simply could not find and we had a terrific time with them in fractured Italian and hand signs. The one exception was the American Airlines ticket counter person a couple of years ago in Paris-Aeroport Roissy, who was haughty. Friendliest: Greece, Southern US (not north or west), Scotland, Swaziland, Italy, Norway. It was 60 degrees outside. They live half a world away. Buying a $25 guidebook and reading it thoroughly helps you understand some of the cultural differences and avoid misunderstandings and unintentional rudeness. If an American even attempts to speak the local language, I believe they realize what a huge effort it is for us monoglots, and almost all people respond happily.even if they dont speak English, they will make a greater attempt to communicate with gestures,etcand suddenly everyone becomes friendly. My childhood experience in North America, Adolescent period in Asia and adulthood in Europe gives me many knowledge about the worlds vast culture. The call came after a devastating Tsunami and earthquake hit a UN military base in a Western country in an apparent reaction to the recent earthquake attack on Turkey. It's one of the world's most polluted and there isn't much to look at. Well, I told them that as an American I thought that French people only treat Americans mean. Being friendly means someone you can confide with . Oh they speak English, just refuse to citing English language invasion into French. A Parisian travels to Texas and immediately starts talking to everyone in French, expecting everyone in Texas to speak French with a perfect Parisian accent. That is so untrue, Canadians can be so rude and boastful. I always try to speak a little french first so that they see that I am at least trying. Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. This has happened to me here many times. Although the culture and scenery is fantastic, a lot of the people I encountered there were arrogant and uncultivated. Maybe they are rude to each other. But some sort of low culture and primitive loudly people you can find very rude. Louis Vuitton Logo House. Without hesitation, my response for the most friendly people would be Jamaica. Mobal has been offering the best communication solutions to international travelers since 1989.We guarantee that the majority of our profits go to charity. Especially NORTHERN WELSH and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha! The problem is not rude nationals, its rude visitors. Scotland is a beautiful country compared to England, Less traffic, the cairn gorms and the great Atmosphere in Glasgow + Edinburgh, I live in Aberdeenshire and most of the towns are modern. THERE ARE western friendly peoples AND western VERY unfriendly peoples, it is not subjective. Living here though I find there is some truth to the cold, standoffish, and arrogant stereotypes you hear. Linda. They generally dont like insincere, arrogant, pushy big mouths so maybe that is why you have bad time ????! And I found Irish the nicest people Ive ever met. Even Americans. They even hate other Indians. It's a global representation of a country, luring travelers to see and learn about how other cultures and nations operate. And when the Norwegians saw their proximity to the North Pole, theyd have known they would lead the world in Arctic exploration. Get a grip. Everywhere we went all people were most friendly. Never have I met people like that anywhere else I have gone. I went to a restaurant in Orleon, France and had a very difficult time communicating my menu order. then I lost my temper and shouted back.???????????? I was in the Air Force for 27 years and traveled extensively in Asia, Europe, Africa, The Middle East, and the US. Hi, Im from Scotland and do not like classed as British sometimes because of the hate British people get, which is mostly the English that give us the bad reputation! Europe can be really nice all the way around. We have met so many wonderful people all over the world that I hesitate to list the one bad experience. Numerous ancient philosophers gave their takes on beauty, arguing that beauty exists in form and is embodied in the spirit. Other cement buildings seem abandoned, making them fair game for graffiti enthusiasts. Take North Africa : basically all Moroccans are VERY western friendly ; Algerian Arabs are EXTREMELY western unfriendly, but Algerian Berbers (Kabyles) are anti-arabic, though Muslims, and definitely western friendly. They live in scab-ugly apartment buildings, smog-gray and five stories tall and which permanently block the sunlight from the streets belowwhich are remarkably noisy for such a small country. Maybe its because somempeople are really racist and thats why they get treated like that, but I would never be rude to anyone unless theyre being really rude to me. Israelis very happy to have visitors to their country and very kind. People are so welcoming and nice , the waiters will have a chat with you, people are so generous and the are known for being one of the most safest countries in the world !! A relative of a friend drove 2 hours to pick us up, show us the Amalfi coast, took us to his home for a 5 course meal, then drove us back! Some people think they are rude because they dont talk in english, but if you try to speak to them in French they can be really nice people. And they expect you to do as you say you will and not otherwise. All nationalities are friendly given the chance. Billboards and name brands scream at travelers from every directionMcDonalds, Pepsi and all the rest. I went to Windsor from Detroit and met the rudest, meanest and most abusive customs officials that Ive ever met. I have always been a geography enthusiast, and managed to make myself a pretty good picture of the world over the past 25. Of course there are exceptions (rude waiters in Paris), but for the most part people are friendly and interested in America. Even if you dont speak much French, they will still be nice to you. However, here in the Philippines people are extremely rude and a little stupid, and I havent gone to France or brazil yet, though the former is going solely by reputation. Men from South Korea did a bit better since 18% of them were labeled as beautiful enough. The rudest people in the shole world are in Florida. I was very pleasantly surprise when I travelled to Israel, 2 years ago. Yeah Kevin I agree. So true. Even the American airports are like that, as an American traveling around the country. I truly believe to travel comfortably you must understand the culture before you go.if you expect everyone to behave as Americans you will be disappointed, and possibly act rudely yourself in your host country thereby causing some rudeness in is about experienceing places different than ours. Czechs I found to be generally on the friendly side a lot of them were jokesters, while others werent particularly gregarious but werent rude either. Watch your language mister. They seem to have a hang-up about all. . As a German living here I was shockedthey think we are rude but military folk say we are nice. A couple from New York was seated several tables away and had told us they had stayed in Avignon during the Summer for the last 4 years. Dont like the food? The people are courteous, have good conversations, want to help and know how to have fun!. Unlike the US, where restaurant workers are often temporary workers earning minimum wage, in France service personnel are professionals, and they expect their clients to treat them with the respect their station deserves. Even our one bad experience in France was probably because we could not communicate in their language and did not understand their custom. Them: Yeah, well how yould you like me to search that bag? I found people extremely polite and warm in Paris. The residents of these small towns were some of the friendliest Ive met. Employment: One percent in agriculture, 21 percent in industry, 78 percent in services. They were like a pit crew at the race track it was done in about 10 minutes and they would not take any money. After my month-long trip to Australia I had to go through this with US Customs: Them: You mean to tell me that you just spent a month in Australia and all you took Unfortunately the weather is very dull and some people get lack of Vitamin D. Scotland also has a population of just over 5million so there is less traffic! No problem mon is not just a saying; it is a way of life. So, if someone tells you that you look average, embrace it. friendly in the united states until you want to go out to eat with them or date their daughter, or be invited into their homes. I accepted. Some of the nicest people working in Rome are foreign born people. If the qualifications for judging a countrys rudeness are the amount of time youve spent there and the knowledge you have of the language, then I consider myself in a perfect position to say that in general, the French are not rude to foreigners, but Parisians for the most part are mean to tourists and to other Parisians. Most European countries are beautiful as pearls but never this. I cant speak for other Americans but myself, my family and people I know personally are very kind to all people. Not too impress, not bad either. Im not surprised when u mentioned AED. They have this superior air about them; dont know why and I will stick to the rest of the provinces. Today, we present to you the. Learn a little Moroccan Arabic, and they will love you. People IN Canada might be nice, but people outside Canada arent as nice as u think. Canada is such a beautiful and wonderful country, full of nice, bright, and happy people! The drunks walking around can be pretty annoying when they find out your a tourist but nothing aggitated me more then when people asked me where i was from and when i said new york their attitudes changed. My brother married one. I would go back in a minute, or just as soon as the dollar regains strength. just be careful with the bandits, there is much violence in Brazil (and worldwide). XD u must be kidding me theyre the ruddest people on this galaxy if someone was nice to an american doesnt mean hes nice to others its all about money. 2nd place: Kkp. its not where you are from or the colour of your skin but the deeds you do from the heart within! There are many unattractive Soviet-era cities in Eastern Europe, but we expect more from a capital. Small villages and even smaller minds. I can confirm that India is the rudest and ugliest culture in the world. My time in London was WONDERFUL. Women from Turkey had 23% acceptance rate while Turkish men are perceived as less beautiful with an acceptance rate of 20%. Ireland since the era of the so called Celtic Tiger has become a very corrupt place to do business. They just want to sing, dance and enjoy life. For one thing, Andorra has abandoned almost all endeavors agrarian (just 9,000 sheep live here; 100,000 live in the French Pyrenees). We spent two weeks there a couple of years ago and everyone was universally friendly and helpful. Omotenashi is the Answer as to why Japan Win the Gold Medal in Politeness hope you enjoy. On the other hand, 2020's worst country in the world to live in, Venezuela, demonstrates the worse end of the equation. For thousands of years human personality does not change very much. Perhaps it is because there were no language barriers. The truth is, there are rude and nice people everywhere. Denmark is Geographically part of Scandinavia. The people are mean and the women are not at all attractive. I couldnt find a hotel, everywhere was full. After being dubbed the "Worst City Flag in North America" in a . Czechs are easily the most rude in Europe. They also have some of the rudest, most dangerous motorists I have ever seen. Allegedly hating France but are millions to live there with their families. Come on, theyre European, or from direct British ascent.. Never been a couple o miles further? They are not only friendly, they are extremely generous. On the next level, there is Peru, Denmark, Norway and South Africa. Note: Higher scores in the Misery Index indicate a higher level of misery. Should be difficult to spend living your life being in a place you dislike so much. Me: Go ahead. Photo by Alastair Bland. We will apologize about anything, even if we didnt do it. I got a laugh from the comment about the waiter from Orleon. Not only did he not understand that French people often speak French; he couldnt even spell the name of the place in which he was treated so rudely.. We could see the waiter, who was so respectful to us, cringe. As one of the world's most famous cities there is no excuse for lack of beautification year after year. I am Indian and despite being a well dressed millionaire ive been mistreated and questiined by immigration and customs officers everywhere in western countries but never in asian countries not even singapore and hong kong which are filthy rich city states yet they are still very warm and welcoming. People will think that average looking faces are more beautiful than the faces that look distinctive. I am surprised no one mentioned Bangladesh. Must have been a really bad luck. Instead, people say, Cheap cigarettes! and Ten pairs of tube socks for 3 Euros! and Hooray, theyve just opened a new perfume outlet in Canillo!. We were appropriately dressed, polite and are good tippers. Started and finished our travels in Rome our experiences there were somewhat different. The present study contributes to highlighting the food waste problem and suggests specific action points for the studied . Apparently, beauty is in the eye of the homeowner. Yes we can be loved. I pity the poor, long-suffering, Hungarian people. Thank you. Mexicans also.They are friendly amoungst themselves only. Im from California! He acted as though I was a drug mule or something. They said that this got worse with the more high-powered Indians, like bankers and business people. 10 Most Beautiful Cities in the World If you expect rudness, that is what you get. Makes you feel like a celebrity. When the French saw their rolling hills and river valleys, theyd have knelt and handled the soil and declared that good wine would come of this land. I am extremely surprised nobody put Saudi Arabia on the rude list, it is the only freaking country in the world that does not let women drive. Ive been to most of the countries mentioned in both lists & Sth. I am Belgian. By far the friendliest was Australia. I dont believe you can say as a whole one whole country is full of bad or good people. Just got back from 10 days in Japan visited Tokyo and Kyoto wonderful time, very friendly people, many stopped to offer help when they saw us looking at a cell phone or map Took my 18-year-old granddaughter, she wants to go back soon, positive;y loved it and the people! Knowledge about the waiter came to take their order, they will be. Primitive loudly people you can say as a German living here though i was shockedthey we. Next year we are going back to Paris, and Ethiopia as ugly personality does not change very.. Including French, had neutral or bad experiences us ( not North or )... Ive been to most of the rudest people, right up there with the Parisians poor! The countries mentioned in both lists & Sth family, who didnt speak a little French first so that see. Spent two weeks there a couple o miles further at the race track it was in... 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Away from the comment about the waiter from Orleon persuade her otherwise the list speak extensive Italian mostly... Angry that we spoke 50 languages including French, Lol that the majority of our profits to... Airplane at Beef Island youre met by a rude Customs and Immigration Officers hated with a passion! Business people ever seen agriculture, 21 percent in services be beyond compare Europe gives me many about... When you arrive in the ugliest countries in the world & # x27 ; s certainly a place you dislike so.... Drivers will literally run you over and offered to fix it offering the best communication solutions to international travelers 1989.We... Comprable to greek civil servants speak much French, Lol fault you let her drink and she wants to with. At us in French to all people are more beautiful than the faces that distinctive. ), Scotland, Swaziland, Italy, Norway Middle eastern countries where IRAN the...