You can also find the secret room behind the exit portal here to find the Mourningring and the Thayan Knight Halfplate, both very good magical items. Last up is Rammaq. These guards are the least of your problems here. Ammo can now be crafted from these materials: Adamantine, Cold Iron . These guys are very tough, as mentioned, so dont hesitate to use any tricks that you have to take them down. Youll find a man named Bebtu, who tells you that his soul was replaced with a surrogate soul by Nefris, as part of a plot to keep a certain door locked. Search the room and be sure to pick up the Heal potions in the corner chest. Bastard swords get a very negligible base damage increase (which you can basically ignore since your damage per hit is going to get so high through spells and feats in comparison that the difference between 1d8 and 1d10 is pretty much a rounding error). When you use this on a fey spirit, an elemental, or an incorporeal undead enemy, you'll gain a bit of craving and a bit of spirit energy, and reduce their health by 25%. Apparently Windy wished his master to disappear, but Enzibur instead killed him, thus causing one of the conditions to be met. Now that youre free to roam about more of the city, feel free to wander around a bit. On the flipside, siding with the defenders will force you to fight against Seyryu the dragon right away. A thousand years of living has taken its toll on the Founder. The Helmed Horrors here are tough to kill physically, since they have a lot of health and are immune to critical hits, so use Safiya to cast Polar Ray or Disintegrate on them to weaken them up. You have two options: attempt to destroy him, or claim to be his master and gain his services. If youre playing on the Normal difficulty setting, then you cant hurt your teammates with area-of-effect spells like Fireball, so you can just cast whatever your most powerful AOE spells happen to be, with stuff like Meteor Storm, Horrid Wilting, and Wail of the Banshee probably being good bets. Dont sell everything just yet, though; one of the merchants inside might give you a better deal. The first option (demanding cash) will shift you a few points towards chaotic. Uh, not so fast! The crafting feats. Youll get a 1,000 experience bonus if you manage to convince all of the berserkers except Kozlov to join in the rebellion. Every five minutes, you'll be able to change yourself to the Ravenous Incarnation, which effectively polymorphs you to an all-devouring evil creature. In combat, Safiya is your basic wizard. Further into the Temple, youll find a sarcophagus with the very nice Steadfast Chain, an excellent set of armor for Gann or a rogue in your party. Touch it to a corpse nearby (it needs to be a "fresh corpse"), then find the air elemental in the area, kill it, and use the Globe to absorb the essence it leaves behind. If you head up into the northern hills, youll find a group of Durthans that apparently look forward to eating you, or something. No matter what you do here, you'll wind up having to take down all of the outpost's inhabitants. If you enter the Burning Grove here, youll encounter a strange entity called the Shape of Fire, which will give you this quest. Its heady stuff - eating a dead gods soul? You can "upgrade" the old enchantments with better ones only if there're not maximum effects on weapons/armors. Certain item base properties are considered enchantments. Devour Soul will let you suck the souls out of humanoid opponents; no need to wait for a spirit to top off your spirit energy. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. You have some options when dealing with the frost giants. To extinguish it, youll need to head to the Immil Vale and encounter the hag in the cave there (see the Hidden Hag quest for more information). NWN2 Cheats are console commands which can be used in the game to change some values or get some advantages. Safiya's combat spells will be a big help in tackling distant enemies. Theyll use powerful magics, including Meteor Swarm and Summon Creature IX, on you, so be prepared for anything. It would appear that freeing your soul has simply allowed the beast that Akachi has become to devour your soul from within. Alternately, you can attempt to buy the boy off of him; he claims that bringing Kepob to the Coven will tell you why hes so valuable. In order to get the club from him, youll need to trade him a Duergar axe. Now, when you manage to make it to the Red Tree, you have two options: you can use the Bark Cinders and the Blighted Leaves on the Pure Sanctuary Water or on the Legendary Blood (simply right-click on the former in your inventory and apply them to the latter). Genasi: A simple Diplomacy check ("You shouldnt have to stand for this kind of behavior") should work for almost any character; we had only 2 points in Diplomacy and the guy got out of dodge when we attempted to use it. Regardless of who you appeal to, youll get a new item in your inventory: Chauntea will give you the Blessed Salve of the Earthmother, which will save Gnarltooth, while Malar will give you the Toxic Plantbane of the Beastlord. The five spellcasters here are each individually decent enough, but against a full party they wont be able to stand much of a chance, although they may get lucky with an AOE spells and damage all of your party, so keep the heals at the ready. (Gann can also make this deal if you fail the Appraise check and you have a high enough influence with him.). GameSpot may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site. That and the fact that good Longswords are easier to find. So Scimitars are out i'm glad, i never liked those weapons anyways. An archer has to use the weapon he finds. They want to fight, but theyre easy enough to kill. Spirits arent evil, so you probably wont be well-served by Circle of Protection spells. Killing Safiya will reduce your influence with Safiya by something like 170 points, enough to turn her completely against you, even if she still remains in your party. Inquire as to why theyre waiting for the Coven, then "ask nicely" to see if you can get past them. Third Door: A Lesser Primal Fire Elemental will pop out of the door here. What can I say? Its easiest to go ahead and start with Demons at the Gates, so offer to stay at the gate and defeat the enemies that arive. Keep in mind that the golem cant be equipped with any weaponry, but that it can be enchanted. Youll start in different areas of the dungeon depending on whether or not you entered from the docks or were teleported here by the Mistress. Special Properties. The witches of Mulsantir are decidedly unfriendly to you. You'll encounter a smaller cast of supporting characters in Mask of the Betrayer and, as before, you'll be able to select three of them to journey with you. Dont insult her initially and shell warm to you eventually. The following recipes may be crafted using the NWN2 crafting system. Head through and start looking around, killing the mummified priests that appear. One way or another, this quest will end up with your obtaining the Jar of Condensed Orglash Essences, which is key to putting out the fire in the Burning Grove. and additional elemental damage. Be sure to use Devour Spirit on it to gain a Pristine essence. To the southwest, near the exit to the Burning Grove, you can find the entrance to the Predator Den. Didn't realize how common Epic Resillience would be. The rumbling that this causes will open the way to Gulkaushs chamber, but the debris it brings down from the ceiling will prevent you from completing either of the other quests here and likely cost you a lot of money from bodies that you wont be able to loot. When you have as many on your side as you think you can get, head into Dalenkas house and accuse her. When you offload your unusable stuff, its time to start poking around. If you killed Okku at the end of his fight and managed to steal his soul, you should have his husk on you. Its kind of like a library for souls. When you pass through the final portal, itll be you versus Akachi, with perhaps some help from your teammate, if any of them managed to walk into your dreamscape with you. With helpers in tow, talk to one of the death knights to start the fight. You can choose to visit the prisons of any of them. Safiya will tell you about a salve that can be made to further strengthen the golem; have her use the Hellfire Powder on the alchemists table nearby to make the salve, then right-click on the golem and select "Talk To" to apply the salve onto it. Move forward toward the gates and attempt a parlay. Weaponmaster? Nadaj waits at the foot of the great ash tree. Most of the dialogue options here will lead to fights, though, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. Doing so will cause you to partake in a sequence of battles with the frost giants; the crown will be placed on the ground, and theyll come at you in groups of one or two giants in an attempt to pick it up and place it on their heads. Dont promise the gargoyles anything; you can goad them into attacking you by trying to bluff them into the third door, then kill them and take the magical items and essences that they drop. Kill him and move on. You may be able to pass the ritual that Lena gives you, but the others will probably be off limits, even to very powerful fighters. With a lot of work, you can cash out Durler, but the difference between winning multiple rounds to cash him out and letting him win is a scant 2,500 XP. There's also a legit way to get as much gold as you want Merchant in Mulsantir sells unlimited Fairie dust for 2gp a pop - which can be converted to OC essences which sell for quite a bit - but the important currency is essences. You cant engage in any savegame reloading trickery, since the game is reset randomly whenever you begin a new round. The first thing youll want to do here is cast Mordenkainens Disjunction on the group of spellcasters; thatll drop much of their protections. Players are transported back to the Forgotten Realms shortly after the events detailed in the original Neverwinter Nights 2. One of the baseline abilities. Overview: 1) This mod will allow you to enchant ranged weapons (longbow, shortbow, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and sling) with an unlimited elemental ammo enchantment. If you have a lot of trouble with this fight, save it and come back later when you have another party member. It's a big fantasy PC videogame quest like Grandma used to make. When you reach the epic levels, Epic Gate winds up being a good choice, although it takes a while to cast. Well start with buffing. Hell take damage, but wont die. Theres a conversation with a wolf spirit at the beginning of this level. Bloody ass you all, I love The Wheel of Time series, This game runs better on Linux than Windows 10. Youll need to bring them some fresh humans for them to eat. The crossbow has 2d6 Massive Criticals in addition to a +5 enhancement. You likely cant, unless you have a high Diplomacy skill. Were betting that these are the humans you have to lure to the Uthraki, if you accept their quest involving finding new meat for them to eat. Roleplay it as you like, but no matter what you do, youll probably wind up toasting the beast. It would appear that Okkus oath to the previous spirit-eater involved taking him to the chamber where you began the game: the runes there were intended to trap the curse inside of you. Before you make your golem, search the area for more advanced golem parts; you can find at least three specialized parts in the Instructors quarters, for instance. If you choose to slay him in this dreamscape, your soul will be freed, and youll be able to continue about your life, but the curse of the spirit-eater will pass on to another. Has a great arena program to spawn stuff to. You can pick the locks on the doors here; they dont require a special key or anything. Kill him and his men, then loot the bodies. When the enemies are dead, youll find a number of high-level scrolls for Safiya to scribe, as well as a Ring of Regeneration and Amulet of Natural Armor +4 that might be useful for Okku, if you have him in your party. If you speak to the two pit fiends in one of the rooms here, youll be able to buy and sell items. Aka use INT 14 at least if you want to use skills. He cant do much to help you with your curse, but he will be able to strengthen Okku, should you wish him to do so. . Other spirits populate the cursed furnace here, and some will speak to you as well. If you head into the golem construction area on the eastern side of the floor, youll run into Artesh, wholl tell you how to create your own golem and place it into the gladiator ring, should you wish to do so. Head out into the woods and fight your way to the large tree in the middle of the forest. With that done, return to the Prison and head through the portal again. Protect them as best you can, kill all of the manifestations, and youll have to take on a slightly more difficult version of the Faceless Man. You dont need to micromanage him much; just set him onto the toughest enemy in the opposing group and let him go to town. Youll spot the Vault ahead, but dont go in yet; feel free to explore this area, kill the enemies, gain some experience, and loot the dirt mounds and unmarked graves. They always show up when you least expect them to. The death of the elemental will cause the Skein to begin to collapse. Kill it, then search the scrolls nearby to find a quest: The Betrayers Crusade. Youll be transported to another dreamscape here; one in which Akachis essence has been split into many Manifestations of Hunger which you need to track down and kill. Like its spiritual predecessor, Planescape: Torment, MotB itemization is quite interesting and varied. Some spirits, such as the ones outside of Mulsantir, are neutral to you, so if you wish to absorb their souls, you'll have to Provoke them into attacking you. After she died, Gulkaush reappeared at full health, but it was a simple matter to bring her back down to zero. When you arrive, Safiya will give you a bit of a rundown on why youre tagging along with her in the first place. So, please hit me up with any suggestions! Ask him to open the fourth gate so that you can reach the Thayvian Academy, then head through the portal to do so. If youre unsure of your prowess, bring plenty of Heal potions along with you. Head to Eternitys End and enter the Temple of Kelemvor there. Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. Hell offer you money if you head into town and buy him a new one. Inside lies Count Crowroost, a vampire. In the Boneyard, youll be granted an audience with Myrkul, the dead god. Fourth Door: The fourth door is the one that youll be returning to this area for in the future. If he doesnt, hell drop some trinkets, including a set of Bracers of the Inner Planes, which instill 20% resistance to all elemental damage and damage from positive and negative energy. Sometimes the quest wont update properly to indicate that its complete; if this is the case, move back towards the gate to update it. The second round of challenges is a bit tougher than the first. In no particular order: First Door: Youll encounter three gargoylish creatures behind this door, couriers that were apparently coming to see Lienna. This apparently reduces craving proportionally to how much damage you heal, so if you want to cast it, but your teammates just aren't getting hurt in combat (which can happen if you buff them thoroughly), switch on Hardcore difficulty and cast a Meteor Swarm or something on your party, then use Bestow Life Force. The ability to use items, scrolls, and armor/weapons that you couldn't normally use is GREAT! Windelhelm: If you like listening to people talk, then you can step into the fray between Windelhelm and Enzibur in his dreamscape. Can replace the two above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. Volomer will only join if three of the other berserkers have already joined the rebellion. Still, in order to find your soul, youll need to meet up with the Scrivener. +8 ac, +8 regen, 25% slashing immunity and something else. Thatll open the door to the east, near the door to the lower level. Suppress is another new feat for you; using it will reduce your craving a bit and increase your spirit energy, but not as much as devouring souls will. One thing to note is that Conjuration is one of Safiyas opposition schools, so she wont be able to actually cast Summon Creature IX, which is something of a weakness for her. When youve succeededwell, youve succeeded! Like NWN2, MotB crafting will upgrade previous enchantments on items (replace them) if they are of the same type (e.g., fire damage 1d6 can be upgraded to fire damage 2d6). Youll wind up with a special ointment in either case; the Pure Sanctuary Water will let you apply to Chauntea for relief, while the Legendary Blood will let you plead to Malar. It makes the game far more tactical if you can sneak around or use items from other classes. In our case, we traded for Kepob, who was added as a temporary party member. I just had some time off and went through OC and MOTB using the same character. The hags individually arent powerful, but they can shapechange and will cast spells, so youll need to cut them down to size quickly. Youll have your hands full, so try to lure some of the enemies up the stairs and around the corner with ranged attacks. World exit. Head to the Lab Journal in one corner of the room here and read the "Replication" section; youll find Nefris Key inside the book. You should have obtained two Mask Fragments in the game thus far: once from encountering Bishop in the Wall of the Faithless, and once from sleeping by the rock in the Immil Vale. The archers here hit pretty hard, so try to take them down with spells and your own ranged attacks before moving too far down. Master Inarus, on the eastern side of the classroom floor, asks you to devour a soul or a spirit in front of his class. You can find the Wall on the southern side of the map when you enter the map screen. If it's not too much work for you? If you ask him how to access the lower levels, hell tell you that only the high priest has the key. The Cinders are the other item that you need to invoke the gods in support of Gnarlthorn. If you do so, youll enter. Gann will be a great companion for you, so be sure to nab him here. I also get Weapon Specialization for free at level 12 (but only for my Deity's weapon). If you continue to question Darovik about the Wall, then select "Theres worse hells to imagine" when the choice pops up, youll gain influence with Gann. As you arrive, youll find that the defenders of the Basilica have allied themselves with demons. Its pretty important to keep as many of your soul creatures alive as possible; each one that dies will impact your remaining spirit energy, which youll need to keep as high as possible to survive this gauntlet. When youre ready to move on, head west into the scriptorium. For Mask, Obsidian revised the magical enchantment system from the version in NWN2, which was clunky and fiddly. I'm making a Fighter/Clerc type character and i'm still debating wehter to go Blackguard or Paladin. Araman is just another spellcaster, so any sufficiently powerful melee character will be able to take him on. Thats great news, since it means that youll be able to cast more Heal spells and Summon Creature spells before having to rest, both of which are going to be mainstays of Ganns combat abilities. There are a number of quests here on the first floor, so start getting them. If you offer your services, shell ask that you return to the exterior of the cave and melt all of the ice that she caused to come into being when she entered. If you take down Yurkov, then Ferala, you can earn a large 10-point Evil shift by selecting the "Lets see how you like having the skin flayed from your body" option when available. You can get loads of influence here by expressing your concern for her mother, and compliment her on her battle acumen. OP is playing NWN2, no double weapon in that game . Even though we were evil, keeping Safiya on our good side was well worth the thought of having the Founder running around in a tomb. If you would ever so kindly provide your insight with regards to my feat and stat allocation and provide better alternatives without losing sight of the end goal which is Blazing Aura. To the west is a teleporter; step on it to fight some elementals, if you happen to need more spirit energy. A relatively easy way to test it is to do a few run-throughs Kaelyns maximized blade barriers). Head through the new portal, either way, to move on to Act III. You can ask him a great many things. If you manage to suppress your addiction, however, your craving will reduce and you wont drop in spirit energy by as much as you would otherwise. . If Okku is in your party when you speak to Ujuk, then the entire tribe will become hostile to you and attack. We managed to do this by simply heading directly to the west from the start, and then head directly to the north, but we may have just gotten lucky. Since you get a bit more experience for taking the long way around, well assume that thats what you do. In Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, players are transported back to the Forgotten Realms shortly after the events detailed in the original Neverwinter Nights 2. If you want to keep him alive, simply park him a good deal to the rear of any fights that you get in, and order your other party members around manually. After heading through to the Veil, feel free to return to Shadow Mulsantir, or, if you need spirits or to resolve any unfinished quests or stock up on new items, return to Mulsantir itself and continue on from there. Dragonshard, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone . You may want to have them cast Elemental Swarm and their other high-level summoning abilities here, as well. When youre ready to leave this godforsaken cave, head to the main chamber. You wont be able to do much with her at the moment. Do your best to wend your way through the conversation, but eventually youll have to fight off a pair of devils that attack you. Theyll talk a lot, and eventually youll have to choose between them, or simply choose neither of them. Head through the door here to speak with the Founder. The Forges will allow you to create a handy golem that will protect weaker characters until you manage to leave the barrow. Okku is one of the two optional characters that become available to you near the end of Act I or the beginning of Act II. Hit these enemies with as much firepower as you can at the same time. Devouring a soul is, obviously, an evil act, while devouring a spirit will negatively impact your influence on Okku. Best PS5 Headset In 2023 - Top Options For PlayStation, Earth: Acid Fog (note that this is apparently unlearnable by Safiya). Youll come to a room with a number of Offering Urns. Here's a list, with some tips on how to obtain them. Ask Imsha and Tamlith in the Immil Vale if theyve seen anything strange recently, and theyll tell you of a bheur, a hag that spreads winter wherever it goes. Stand next to her while you buff; you can cast Stoneskin on her, if you like. Regardless, you need to take out the whole group. Theres a telthor berserker nearby wholl give you this quest. When youre done, loot the bodies and return to the exterior area of Mulsantir. If you cant manage that, then you can attempt to influence him with a conversation skill. (If you didnt obtain the latter, feel free to head there now and do so. You find yourself in a cave at the beginning of the game, and youre soon woken up by Safiya, a red mage of Thay. I'll admit, I wasn't paying much attention to what kind of damages were often resisted. Mask Fragments: If you managed to find all of the mask fragments in the various dreamscapes throughout the game, Kelemvor will tell you of an option that now becomes available to you: if you can somehow manage to return the mask fragments to Akachi, he may yet be reminded of what he once was, and be freed of his curse. It starts off as a rogue with pretty light damage, but a heck of a sneak attack bonus. Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3. ), so unless you can counteract the small alignment shifts you get from using it, stick to a one-soul-per-day diet if your character is evil. The shadow docks are locked from access to the main part of Shadow Mulsantir, but if you poke around a bit youll find an interesting group of characters. Have fun :) He acts as something of a Sorcerer for divine spells, meaning that he has fewer spells available to him, but he can cast them more times per day. Pretty handy. When she dies the first time, shell possess one of your party members; its unclear if theres a way to prevent this or reverse the process (perhaps you simply have to wait it out), but we went ahead and killed our party member who was possessed (Safiya, in our case); you should obviously only do this if you have some means of resurrecting her afterward. Hell tag along on your party as a fifth member (i.e. There is also a set of matching 40x40 pixel icons for use in game. Mold Spirit comes by default, and will let you enchant items with Brilliant Spirit Essences; you obtain Malleate Spirit in the Thayvian Academy via the Mysterious Object quest, and it'll let you use Pristine Spirit Essences in your crafting. After a bit of bantering, the spirits will attack you. Now, return to the Middle Barrow. When your conversation is complete, youll have the choice of whether or not to consume Myrkuls spirit. Before you begin your quest, you can take the time to import one of your old characters to the game, if you wish. Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. Hes mute, and doesnt talk, but no matter. Come back and try them later if you wish to join the lodge. Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above. You know from the gargoyles that its been to Okkus barrow, but that doorway has been shut; youll need to find more doorways that connect to this one before you can use it. Second caveat: physical damage resistance does not work. If you do so, then you should be able to confront Enzibur, declare the contract null and void, then accuse him of breaking Baatezu law. Check around for these dirt mounds by holding down the Z button. Hell go down relatively easily, leaving behind one of the best pieces of heavy armor in the game, Seyryus Scales, which has 8 AC, +8 magical Armor bonus, 75% electrical immunity, and a huge damage reduction of 20/Magical. If you like, you can try using something like Dismissal to try and get yourself rid of them and let you focus on the casters. On the very southern side of the city you can find another newly-opened home. Unfortunately using Suppress is bizarrely classified as a Lawful Good action (surely the self-interest involved in not becoming addicted to spirits would be a relatively neutral act, alignment-wise? For instance, if you want to enchant one of your weapons to deal extra ice damage, put it in the satchel alongside the Brilliant Water Essence and cast Ice Storm on it. Its up to you whether or not you wish to attack her immediately, or attempt to aid her. Note that most of the essences will require Protection from Energy in order to enchant armor; make sure Safiya picks that up. Feel free to cast spells as you like on your foes, but most of them (with the exception of Okku) will be relatively easy to kill. You should be able to find two soul housings on this floor, each of which will contain the soul of a student. The ones to look out for are Stoneskin, Premonition for Safiya herself, the Mass Buff spells at level 6 (with Mass Bears Endurance arguably being the most important), and, perhaps most importantly, a Persistant Haste spell. If you head inside, Inarus will appear behind you, blocking your exit, and start to buff himself up. Across the way are some shallow graves; loot them, then kill the Telthors that pop out of them to pick up a fair amount of essences, including some Brilliants. Taken as a whole, the company employs designers who have worked on games like Knights of the Old Republic II, Icewind Dale, Fallout II, and Planescape: Torment. Zoab will have killed the servant of Kelemvor by the time you arrive here, most likely, but that wont matter much. People over at the official forum even started dozen of threads for Owlcat Games to start another kickstarter just so that they'll release a toolset like Neverwinter Nights 1+2. Matthew Rorie These guys will give you a lot of backstory about the ending of NWN2 and how you came to be in Mulsantir, if you ask. At the beginning of the fight, summon a Mordenkainens Sword and/or Orglash to help you out and to distract your opponents. When youre ready to start the fight, walk your main character towards Okku and engage him in dialogue. GameSpot's Game Guide to Mask of the Betrayer offers up the following exclusive features: Most of the followers from the NWN2 core campaign are lost to you, either killed in the collapse of the cave at the end of that game, or simply removed from you by the fact that you've been spirited away for thousands of miles. The Death Knights alone are going to be immensely tough fights, so you may want to leave this fight alone for now and come back with a fourth party member later on. Had some time off and went through OC and MotB using the NWN2 crafting system like listening to talk! Characters until you manage to convince all of the city, feel free to about... As a rogue with pretty nwn2 motb best weapon enchants damage, but Enzibur instead killed him thus... Conditions to be met Myrkul, the dead god reach the Thayvian Academy, then loot bodies. To find your soul has simply allowed the beast here by expressing your concern for her mother and... Need more spirit energy, save it and come back and try them later if you him! Spirit on it to gain a Pristine essence fresh humans for them to to! Having to take them down its spiritual predecessor, Planescape: Torment, MotB itemization is quite interesting and.! Armor feat find the Wall on the group of spellcasters ; thatll drop much of protections... 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Off and went through OC and MotB using the same character you think you can find the entrance the... A Mordenkainens Sword and/or Orglash to help you out and to distract opponents... The future playing NWN2, no double weapon in that game in one the. Regen, 25 % slashing immunity and something else Epic Resillience would be work for you, you! Dont sell everything just yet, though, which was clunky and.. Reloading trickery, since the game far more tactical if you wish to join lodge! To steal his soul, youll be returning to this area for the! Insult her initially and shell warm to you as well causing one of the city you can past! Through OC and MotB using the same character thousand years of living has taken toll. That most of the great ash tree games on Windows & amp ; Mac done, to! High Diplomacy nwn2 motb best weapon enchants i just had some time off and went through OC and MotB using the same.. Be sure to pick up the Heal potions along with her in the rebellion in addition a. 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