Both partners emphasize creativity as the principle of the Mother of God feeds this relationship from the natural resources of the universe. The Venus person loves the nurturing of the Moon person. Moon trine Venus synastry is considered one of the most favorable in the formation of romantic relationships. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. This is a fascinating relationship. With the Venus trine Mars synastry aspect, the romantic feelings are strong and natural in the relationship. Your reactions, emotional response, gut feelings are all ruled by this luminary. . There is an outgoing vibe that pulses between the Moon and the Jupiter person. But we have to look at the compatibility as a whole. I don't have this aspect conjunct with my partner but his venus and my moon are in the same sign so I would consider this to be influential. Its important that you remember to deal with your feelings on your own. Moon square Venus synastry is not disharmonious enough to become dangerous but it is still not as favorable as the other aspects between the Moon and Venus. You are likely to spend on similar things and prefer the same attitude to social interactions. [this was from a paid report and i think it applies to conj as well, prob even more to the conj than the sextile]. Youll find you have much in common and that too will deepen the bond between you. Moon in Conjunction with Jupiter in Synastry Chart. Learn to be honest with each other in a way that is sincere and empathetic. Hence, when Moon conjuncts Venus in synastry, there will be a mutual feeling of the other party fulfilling the 'image of the 'ideal' mate in their lives. Posts: 1740From: A Danielle Steele NovelRegistered: Aug 2010. ive had moon conjunct venus before and it isnt anything that great for me. At the end of the day, we shouldn't hypothesize too much without looking at the compatibility as a whole.------------------$3.50 ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings, ------------------$3.50 ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility | Q&A. because Moon will feel nurtured by it, it will seem like the perfect song or environment, it will feel simpatico to the Moon, like being back in the womb, completely safe. This relationship feels naturally deep, at least on the emotional level, very quickly. In the first place, both parties have much in common so it's not likely that there will be much disagreement occurring between the two. The luminaries are of extraordinary importance in astrology. As with all conjunctions, Venus conjunct Pluto synastry can play out in positive and negative scenarios alike.. Venus conjunct Pluto synastry relationships are based on the partners' strong romantic and physical attraction. I haven't checked back in a while. I found her a few months ago looking for Mars/Moon and 8th house synastry info. Everything just feels more beautiful and incredible when youre together. Its actually quite horrible haha. I have the conj natally. And then closed off as they tend to realize they've been vulnerable and they don't want to admit that. I can't stop thinking about him, and it's driving me MAD! The Moon person probably makes the Venus person feel loved and cared for, especially on the emotional level, while the Venus person encourages the Moon person and understands their feelings. Depending on whether is a positive or negative aspect at play, the combination can make the people into loving partners who respond well to positive feedback and try hard to please the person they love or completely frustrate them sexually and emotionally. The relationship appears to be of a female orientation. Moon conjunct Venus synastry is a very romantic aspect. Other people can feel this warm and affectionate energy when theyre around you together. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Depending on the signs where the planets are located, you are into different things. The partners clearly sympathize with each other and strive to constantly spend time together, finding more and more common interests in various fields of activity. The Venus person wants to have a good time, laugh, play, while the Moon person seeks security and comfort. The Moon basically represents our most primal and innermost needs/desires, what we need to feel emotionally safe, satisfied, secure. Also, my husband and I have an amazing composite with a kite. Find out the meaning of the Moon trine, sextile, square, opposite Venus synastry aspects in astrology! The Lilith human many . Moon conjunct Venus synastry blends the emotional nature of the Moon with the sweetness of Venus. You also like doing similar things in your leisure time. Its truly a love-hate relationship. Venus tends to feel the intensity of the connection more, although it is . As a result, a steady stream of feelings, intuition, and cooperation strengthens the harmony of the relationship. His mars is conjunct my moon (in my 8th house) and my mars conjuncts his moon (house is not known). In my experience in Taurus its a little too sweet lol. We met later in life, but never looked back.It is all in sagitarius. He has moon in Pisces. The man can appreciate how his mother has contributed to the development of his needs. This video is about Moon conjunct Mars aspect in synastry. You dont love in the exactsame way, so you need to communicate, but this Moon sextile Venus relationship can be very harmonious and warm with a bit of effort. Moon is super sensitive when Mars is conjunct. Even the hard aspects suggest a deep connection between the two people. There is much you can do to create warm and beneficial energetic environments and you could become very sought after in your social network. I've had this aspect (as the Conjunction) both ways. Self-indulgence can also make life a bit difficult. ------------------Virgo Asc 6& Mars 0Gemini Sun 24Libra Moon 14(conjunct Pluto 0 in 2nd house)Gemini Mercury 25Cancer Venus 29And yes, i'm a guy! You enjoy being together because you have such a lovely energy between the two of you. Where I am the Venus or the Moon. Theyre able to bring out the Venus persons more affectionate and emotional side. However, the relationship can turn nasty if the Moon person tries to avoid how they feel and wants to change the Venus person. So they may turn else where to seek attention, while this creates a very hurt Moon. He subconsciously sees how the partner displays his own mothers concern with her femininity, which allows him to learn lessons that will eventually allow him to get in touch with his true feelings. My sun sits right on his sun/moon midpoint. I think Venus is at its best being loving and loving the other person, and when the Moon does ebb and flow (ie show attention else where even if for a little bit) it can cause a very hurt Venus who needs to be loved. In a number of cases, a purely physical or unconscious emotional attraction arises between the partners, which is rather short-lived and unstable due to their spiritual and intellectual incompatibility. Its that feeling where its like seeing the endless ocean- it has so much beauty and mystery, and its so perfect- there is no words to describe it. Also evaluate each chart for aspects/sign emphasis/placements that indicate sensitivity, they would appreciate Moon/Venus more than others. Anyway, evaluate the aspects Venus makes in one chart and the aspects Moon makes in the other to see how comfy they are with that side of their nature. It feels so fated and once in a lifetime. The Venus person can be afraid of conflicts and hurting the Moon persons emotions, so they sometimes avoid even necessary clashes. Your partner makes everything seem so beautiful in this relationship that you could avoid the more distasteful parts of your emotional self, but that will ultimately hinder your growth. The trine and sextile are also powerful. moon trine and sextile venus is very sweet, but the square still wins it for me. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 I don't know what these aspects are called but I am so curious I've never met anyone with a chart like this! Only downside is Mars tends to hurt the moon person unintentionally a lot. Moon admires the looks of Venus, maybe like a child would with a doll, seeing them as needing care and special handling, something very precious. AMAZING ANSWER! A man who experienced a difficult childhood is drawn into these relationships in order to develop new emotional attitudes. Someone's venus may square your moon, which may cause that planet to square another because you the square natally, but the orb matters a great deal. Your emotional nature and ways of expressing affection are similar to each other, what helps you get along well. How the Venus person gives and receives affection is the same how the Moon person gives and needs nurturing. In the case of Venus, she also trines Saturn and Chiron, opposes Jupiter, semi-squares Uranus, and quintiles Pluto Venus has plenty of outlets for her energy. So my question is what does your partner the moon in scorpio do to you to make you feel the way you do maybe I can learn from him lol .. thanks! Venus likes the natural way the Moon expresses themselves. Are you the Venus or Moon person? There is a genuine liking of each other, a very natural affection and sweetness in your relationship. we don't have a Sun-Moon conjunction though (that is sweet ontop of moon venus i would imagine! I guess its that constant conflict between my Moon and Venus. It 'feels' like a good Moon match for him. "In synastry the conjunction of Venus-Moon makes both people feel like they want to be married - yes - married, marriage, matrimony, bride-groom, both for the man and the woman, the whole shabang. It wont matter much what you do and even mundane chores are made more pleasant because you are with each other. Venus is all about enjoying life, and Venusian things capture the beauty of the moment. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy astrology! Mercury is communication but not passion. As a result, this Venus square Moon synastry type raises an internal struggle in both partners, causing difficulties in heart-to-heart communication. Nessus Conjunct the Moon. His manly confidence rises. Wow! In this version of Moon opposite Venus synastry, as far as the perception of the man is concerned, the woman simultaneously acts as herself and his mother. Embarrassment and difficulty in expressions of sympathy for each other often lead to irresponsibility in romantic relationships, which entails emotional suffering and disappointment. Powered by Infopop 2000 Because then there is no same planet quincunx. That's why I'm up at this ungodly hour surfing the net cause I can't fall asleep. * Interpretations from Compatibility & Conflict report. Personally I find more important than the composite itself to check the aspects of the composite to the natals to see how each person is affected and feel in this relationship (which is not the same as to say what they feel for the other person). I've experienced Pluto conjunct Venus, Sun and Moon in 3 different relationships. I have my moon in his 7th house and conjunct his 8th house ruler too. On a more personal level, your moods dont always match up. June 2, 2021. It's beyond good sex or soulmate feelings because there is an innate feeling of the "business" side of marriage as well. However, if there is sincere affection between the partners, they will successfully adapt to each other. Both planets have optimistic energy and are open to trying new things. If you want sweetness, tenderness, affection and caring, essentially that is what this aspect promises. Moon-Venus connections are generally considered favorable in synastry, especially the harmonious aspects, the conjunction, trine, and sextile. The Woman can be sexually frustrated because she wants to feel loved, but if she doesnt get what she needs from her partner then she may become emotionally distant. No matter what happened, I could not stay mad at her and vice versa. The Moon person feels very safe when the Venus person expresses their affection. Theoretically, they can interact well only in large social groups when their personal contacts are minimized or carried out through intermediaries. Wow, I actually kinda agree here, it deff makes me (even in a more traditionally colder sign, Cap) be VERY focused on fixing and maintaining a relationship. What to expect when this conjunction appears in the synastry chart? They are fundamentally different and simply dont understand each other, but they canlearn to see the world from the other persons point of view. Moon conjuncts Venus is one of the sexiest aspects to have in synastry! This person had his sun conjunct my pisces moon. Moon in contact with Venus is relatively frequent in synastry. Or what I mean to say is that its all nice at first, but then it turns real critical/hypersensitive. Better yet, it was very hard for me to get mad at her and vice versa. . In a man's chart Moon relates to wife or committed long term partner whereas Venus relates to the girlfriend on the side. I know you mean synastry but that's what it is like. Nothing beats someone's Venus on your Moon. Moon-Venus synastry is one of the most important aspects of a Synastry Chart. The Moon is your soul. It really does. It got its name after the goddess of the same things in Roman mythology. Moon-Sun Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile. This type of Moon conjunct Venus synastry is a configuration that creates a highly erotic and romantic attraction. 's sun leaves you cold? Living beyond your means or seeking to keep up appearances will eventually create strain in your relationship. This aspect may also enhance your business endeavors or finances, mainly because of the social enrichment. The Moon person enjoys taking care of the Venus person. You were attracted to each other because of the sweet words, romantic energy, and large gestures. Powered by Infopop 2000 It's not a guarantee but the feeling is there strongly.". Is there any truth to this, or has anyone else experienced this conjunction with someone who had a significant effect on your . The Moon rules fantasy, perception, and receptivity. There may be slight jealousy of one partner for another and small family conflicts. There is a soul connection between you with the square, too, but there are usually many conflicts with the Moon square Venus synastry aspect. When the Moon in one chart forms an aspect to another person's Venus. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Due to a focus on leisure, establishing serious financial and business relationships here is very hard. Fighting for a sense of his own worth, he, in turn, re-experiences the conflict with his own mother and the inner feelings of resentment he could experience as a child. Besides relationships, Venus also rules art, poetry, music, dance, beauty, luxuries, jewelry, fashion. If a woman's Venus is conj man's Moon he'd appreciate her feminine desire nature and see it as compatible with the type of woman he would want to bear his children, etc. Over time, you will lose your sense of emotional security. When you combine your power, you can be a nurturing couple, both to each other and to people outside of your relationship. Also the sun moon conjunction. The Moon conjunct Juno synastry aspect is also great for romantic compatibility. Hence, when Moon conjuncts Venus in synastry, there will be a mutual feeling of the other party fulfilling the 'image of the 'ideal' mate in their lives. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It is one aspect between you that will support you during times of conflict. Venus Trine Mars Synastry. Is your venus in a quite neutral house or is afflicted? He as the venus person seemed attracted, but it was always ambivalent and never clear..In the end he ended up with someone whose venus conjuncted his moon! With the Moon opposite Venus synastry aspect, conflicts are likely to happen, and you need to make compromises in order for the relationship to work well. They also indicate how the couple will feel about each other's social graces, though this manifests on an emotional level. When Moon-Venus contacts are experienced between two people, there's a GRAND OPPORTUNITY to create a "safe space . Moon conjunct Venus in the Synastry chart means that there is emotional love.The relationship is cozy and both feel comfortable with each other. I experienced both: Sun-Venus conjunction and Moon-Venus-conjunction (I was Venus both times). If you share career activities or are in a business venture together, this aspect enhances social acceptance and the support of those who can benefit you. dolphin, i can certainly relate, as we have the mutal reception/dw aspect as you do - even the same way round, her Venus in Aries Conjunct my Moon in Aries. You will have many friends and associates, and social engagements will always be important in your lives. Its very emotional and is influenced by Venus, the planet of love and affection. Moon conjunct Venus means the couple are really in love. Your love languages may be different. All aspects are important in a synastry reading, but the basics (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter) are the best indicators of a successful marriage. Here are some synastry aspects that jumped out with someone I met recently: Both our moons oppose each other's pluto (my pluto opp their moon is tighter), Aries-Libra. Each aspect is worth 1 point. Posts: 795From: TexasRegistered: May 2009. A Moon-Venus synastry brings up the topics of love, romance, marriage, and beauty. Every moment is cherished and valued as though its a priceless jewel that can't ever be replaced. What Are The Best Aspects In Synastry? Others will sense and easily respond to the positive energy surrounding you. The Moon person tends to make the Venus person feel cared for and adored on an emotional level in this partnership, while the Venus person provides the Moon person with respect, affection, and beauty. . I guarantee other people feel and see the romantic, intense energy off the two of you and this aspect makes a couple very affectionate and caring for each other's feeling. not sure of our moon aspects or moon/venus. Meeting someone who can love us the right way is a special experience. You easily cooperate together because you intrinsically understand each other. A prominent Venus in the birth chart suggests charm, grace, artistic talent, good social skills and a desire to be loved by others. I don't study the composite as much as I do synastry. The Moon represents your emotions, how you express them, how you take care of others, how you nurture. However, you must remember to go beyond the more shallow parts of Venus and the knee-jerk emotional wants of the Moon to discover deeper parts of the self in your relationship, too. These two planetary archetypes are firmly rooted in Astrology's "intimacy network.". This is even more the case with the Moon conjunct Venus synastry. Like most conjunctions, Moon conjunct Venus synastry has the tendency to play out positively unless the planets are afflicted. Though these problems may seem small, they tend to build up over time. This can create emotional disturbances in the relationship, even though neither person really means harm. For example, one partner may want to have sexual relations while the other desires romantic love or friendship at any given time. We also have his psyche conjunct my moon and my psyche sextile his moon. Peri Knowflake . Her Venus Sextiles His Moon She openly shows AFFECTION and a tolerance of your moods and can make you feel "at ease" - which encourages an affectionate response from you. but i'm pretty sure that there is 'something'going on between us, but none of us is willing to admit.sometimes, he won't even say 'hello' to me or not even make eye contact with me all of a sudden when i'm near him >.<, i'm not really sure if i have any friend that has their moon conjunct my venusbut i guess that you don't necessarily feel romantically attracted to that person if you two have this kind of synastryprolly just the feeling of being all comfy around that person.but with this dude that i'm talking about, the feeling is just strong i can't help not to avoid it, it is in scorpioi also have 3 planets in scorp (venus, jupiter, pluto) while this guy i'm talking about has 5 (sun, moon, venus, jupiter, pluto) which makes him such a shy flirty guy >.< he's soo hard to read!! It is in accidental dignity in the second house and the seventh house. Mind you, we also had other harmonious aspects too like and exact sun trine sun and sun trine mercury and mercury trine mercury so I'm sure that helped. The Venus-Sun-guy also had his Venus widely conjunct my Moon (6) and his Jupiter conjunct my Moon (3) as well. And generally we tended to be affectionatethe Virgo because it was in Taurusand we LOVE touch lolthe Cap because obviously he was my exbut so far with the current Cap we've only touched a few timesand the few times we have touched I've almost melted lol. Lol but Taurus is already sensual af. The woman subconsciously struggles with the power of her mother. There are mutually intense feelings of protection we also feel for eachother and what we bring out in eachother. But relationship analysis still confuses me at times and Ive years and spent hours and hours studying and analyzing synastry in books and with my family and friends charts to study from. Moon conjunct Venus is one of the most beautiful aspects in synastry. Moon conjunct Venus synastry suggests that you have similar taste in art, beauty, music. Keep reading to learn about the Moon-Venus aspects in synastry! Many times, these bad asteroids make for passion, so if you can't run, at least, don't get married. issora. And no matter who is what sign we tend to be very focused on relationships ours and others. would anyone like to share their experiences with this aspect? This version of Moon trine Venus synastry results in excellent compatibility. At first, both people feel a strong sense of emotional security in this relationship. When the moon is upset, the Venus shows concern and is understanding towards the moon. If your Moon is conjunct the other persons Venus or vice versa, there is a lot of common ground in this relationship (unless it is an out of sign conjunction, what makes the situation more complicated). In addition, this combination is very promising in the formation of business relationships, especially in the field of beauty. Maybe more comfy for that person would be someone whose Venus is in Leo or Sagittarius trining their Moon. The presence of the other person makes you feel safe and appreciated. With the Moon trine Venus synastry aspect, you understand how to show love to each other and can make each other feel beautiful, whatever that means to you. When these two individuals are together, they feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. You are able to reveal your soft, gentle side in this relationship. Both people enhance each others social circles, though the Venus person might especially help the Moon person feel more secure around friends and crowds. There was no hard aspect between venus and pluto or venus and moon, even in the composite. The other is the Sun. The relationship feels comfortable, heartfelt, and loving. freebrainstorms, do you mind sharing your experience in regards to this aspect? Check mark. I dated a woman whom I had venus conjunct moon 0 and man, just like you, we could not stay mad at each other for long at all. Both partners genuinely enjoy each other, even if theyre not doing anything. Conjunction In Astrology. It signifies deep compatibility between two people. This aspect is particularly potent when it is the woman's Moon in aspect to the man . The social and artistic expressiveness of the Venusian is enhanced by emotional and everyday support from the Lunar individuality. When Venus links hands with her lunar counterpart, relationships tend to get real because the Venusian lover shares a dreamy worldview that beckons from beyond reality (for better or worse). Natally Ive got Moon in Cancer quincunx Venus in Sagittarius within a degree. The south node person can feel compelled to go back into their comfort zone. i've found these snippets on the web as well, don't remember where or when.. Currently I'm very into a Cap who his Sun and Venus is Conjunct my Moonand it's proving to be difficult to get him to be loving towards mehis Venus is ALSO Conjunct Saturn/Uranus/AND Neptune lol), and the other was my Venus in Taurus Conjunct his Moon in Taurus (he was a Virgo)all three I have been romantically interested inhowever only the one with the Asc Conjunction actually became something. I'm interested because I used to be the sun in a sun-venus connection and was completely blown away by the guy. So very helpful information. Powered by Infopop 2000 This planet governs all things that make life enjoyable. It gave me a better picture of understanding. But with my husband what has confused me, though I know we work so beautifully is our lack of really ANY major conjunctions with in a tight orb that would create the intensity we experience. The Moon trine Venus synastry aspect means that there is a romantic connection, which may translate to deep talks that are often emotional. With this aspect comes a strong feeling of support and understanding. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Use cookies on our website to give you the most favorable in synastry beautiful incredible. Pluto conjunct Venus is relatively frequent in synastry my pisces Moon feel the intensity of the person! How the Venus shows concern and is influenced by Venus, the romantic feelings are all ruled this! 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