He is clearly not a champion of states rights, nor has he shown any passion for the rights of individual citizens: he will go along to get along; he is a judge who doesnt rock the boat, and is a reliable servant to government interests. Capturing the Department of Justice is central to breaking down the checks and balances that would otherwise retard or inhibit such overt consolidation, and where any remnants of federalism must be collapsed. Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee's Courts Subcommittee, which I chair, has since updated that number to $400 million. A national scare like the collapse of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad could have started such a situation. Within the Federalist Society, is an operation funded by dark money and designed to remake our judiciary on behalf of a distinct group of very wealthy anonymous For all of us independent news organizations, its no exception. But others prepared for the future. Well, nothing could focus the scheme's donors on the stakes of that election more clearly than that vacancy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and to India House of Trump had peace to keep with House of Koch. Who will or could pull off something so monumental? However, arguments about theodicy and NT origins have moved on since Mere Christianity and Problem of Pain; but this thread is hardly the place to discuss the rise and fall of Christian apologetics. But alas when the baby gets thrown out with the bath water especially here on this blog because it goes into Jewish history how will one ever know what the truth actually is? Between 1954 and 1965, world trade had doubled. Garland has addressed a number of religious freedom cases while on the D.C. Circuit, although several of these have been decided on procedural grounds. [67] In 2002, Garland joined a unanimous court in ruling for two federal prisoners who were denied the right to consume communion wine. and start your re-education Poupon Marx@!!!!!!! The nutshell overview of all of this is that it is a short jump for big donors from regulatory capture, which is a well-understood and broadly observed phenomenon, to applying known techniques of regulatory capture to capture a court. I believe we will not see the end of the decade before the USSA breaks down and fractures along racial lines. Id imagine Satan and his human avatar are rubbing their hands in glee! While this is not necessarily unusual in the legal field, it creates a perspective that favors central governmenta perspective that sees problems primarily as challenges to governmental authority and that reinforces a culture of government expansion especially through the sprawling administrative state that has characterized U.S. government since the New Deal era of the 1930s. @ P de C. So, frankly, it seems like it's been in-sourced. THE THIRD FEDERALIST SOCIETY Within the Federalist Society, is an operation funded by dark money and designed to remake our judiciary on behalf of a Jessica Rosenworcel: Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission Judge Garland was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals in April 1997, and served as Chief Judge from February 12, 2013 through February 11, 2020. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. He should be behind a shower curtain, washing off centuries of filth. Then there is the third Federalist Society operation. Eric Lander: Director of the Office of Science and Tech. Elizabeth Klein: Deputy Sec of the Interior. Their dues had been paid. In olden days, banking had been a rather personal matter between himself and a trusted friend. Thus far, at least, the disciplined legions of Israeli and Diaspora trolls who are paid to keep Wikipedia fully Jew-supremacist have not yet seen anything to be gained from blacklisting or editing the scores of the 1907, 1908, or 1909 World Series, even though Ty Cobb played in all three. interesting. When Trump took the White House, the Federalist Society assumed control of judicial nominations, at least the important ones. Trump picked his Court nominees from a list drawn up by Leo, who then served as his unofficial adviser in the White House. Among Garlands most threatening intellectual vulnerabilities, is his stated obsession with White supremacy and his confused conflation of mass media hyperbole (including his stated determination to prosecute the January 6th insurrection) as a racial issue, with his emotionalism over anti-Semitism, while the southern border of the United States has been opened, and the DOJ abstaining from prosecution of illegal immigrationall positions reflecting the views of mainstream Jewish organizations such as the ADL; indeed Garland and his Justice team are facilitating the diffusion of illegals into the interior of the country. We need your support in this difficult time. The society grew quickly, establishing more than 150 student chapters in its first decade and adding separate divisions for lawyers and faculty by the end of the 1990s. Why did they prefer to have the precious metal in place of their paper money? Mark Greenblatt: Inspector General of the Department of the Interior The University of Texas School of Law Federalist Society Chapter will host the 42nd National Student Symposium. '', Under Leo's new system, ``the one thing all the lawyers [would] have in common is that they all know Leonard, and he knows all of them.''. Every Practice Politically Speaking. In Leo, the donors controlled an agent to orchestrate every aspect of Supreme Court judicial battles, and they provisioned him with dark money beyond imagining, and with a devious structure of front groups to hide behind while effectuating their scheme. Help Mother Jones' reporters dig deep with a tax-deductible donation. U.S. presidents have always been dependent to some extent on advisors, staff and inter-branch administrative cooperation. A single anonymous donor gave JCN $17 million to fight Merrick Garland and support Neil Gorsuch. They are likely to be made available to various anti Israel groups and countries, I believe it more probable that this was planned, as a subset of the until mess, ending in deliberate humiliation and scorn from our allies. Please can we stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater? I wish I could say its a new or recent thing, but its not. The theme is straightforward, simply a surrogate for the Catheter Church, another catheter. On February 15th we held the fourth in a continuing series of cryptocurrency webinars presented by the Federalist Societys Financial Services and E-Commerce Practice Group. Sargon, Heracles, Oedipus, Romulus, Cyrus. National Security Advisor for Cyber & Emerging Technology In 2006, the Texas Observer dubbed her one of the worst judges in Texas, in part because of her decision to uphold the death sentence for a man whose lawyer slept through the entire trial. So its ton et manire that galls, is it? Neil Alan Chilson. Max Rose: Special Assistant to the US Sec of Defense for C-19 Our government does not function like the American government did 200 years ago or even 100 years ago. All Rights Reserved. : Is the Push for Decarceration & Depolicing Backfiring? Social Credit Scores For Federal Employees and Contractors? His subject areas include philosophy, law, social science, politics, political theory, and some areas of religion. I think you are wrong. And the dark money sluice gates into the Federalist Society provide the perfect means of influence. Most recently, Leo reaped a $1.6 billion windfall from a single donor in what is likely the biggest single political gift in U.S. They carried with them a record free from blot or blemish. Examples include DoJ guidance that warns states not to push their investigations into voting fraud too aggressively, and his heavy handed order that Texas not restrict entry of migrants at risk for Covid. To ensure impartiality, the 5th Circuit chief judge referred the case to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., who then kicked it over to Garland, who appointed a special committee of three DC Circuit judges to handle the complaints against Jones: Garland and two other judges. Consider doing likewise. I suppose though if it was any other book than the biblical record it would get more scrutiny and study not laughed at and mocked? In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), the Court accepted the Federalist Societys expansive reading of the right to freedom of speech by ruling that corporate spending on independent political advertising could not be restricted by campaign finance laws. He plays every move close to the vest. Idiots! In a single lifetime it had seemingly taken on an ominous new form of world control. Judge Garland was a member of the Judicial Conference of the United States, which voted to approve the amendments to the FRCP that took effect on Dec. 1, 2015. If stockholders across the nation became concerned that their stocks in this or any other company were to lose their value, they could commence a run on banks in seeking to cash in their stocks that would deplete the reserves of the banks of America and throw the entire nation into chaos. world trade had reached the staggering figure of $159.2 billion. Omissions? This think tank's mission is to ``reorder priorities within the legal system'' and to create a network of members that ``extends to all levels of the legal community.''. Mr. Slappey quoted a report from the reputable German Institute of Industries. In September 29, 1972, the Dallas Times Herald showed that in that particular year inflation had increased Japan-7.5% www.fedsoc.org is using a security service for protection against online attacks. David A. Kessler: Head of Op. Envoy No, how could you when the one source well actually a number of sources teaches us the direct opposite that it has got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with industrial pollution at all. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has vowed to strengthen state control over agriculture and make all available efforts to increase grain production, as the country faces a worsening food shortage, The man convicted of killing eight people in a terrorist attack on a Manhattan bike path declined to testify in the death penalty phase of his trial, just as he had before the jury returned guilty verdicts. Each was backed by the Federalist Society's extended network of satellite groups. The Federalist Society is dedicated to challenging what it calls a form of orthodox liberal ideology within the legal academy that advocates a centralized and uniform society. From its inception, the organization has championed conservative political values and legal principles, including the sanctity of private property and the free-enterprise system, federalism and states rights, limited government, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, and freedom of speech. I was surprised our US Jewish government allowed the abandonment of war materials in Afghanistan . The use of inconvenient as a descriptive word is tried to this slavish trench-like method. Top-down institutional control at the federal level is key to the special interest interface with, and influence over, American society. It made things easy. Global arrived that is that goat with the little horn boasting great things is behind a curtain waiting to be crowned king in Jerusalem. Why cant banking be a personal matter between man and his banker as in the past? Randy E. Barnett. Poupon isnt that a mustard all slime and greasy and terrible taste? In 2016, he encouraged then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) to do everything he could to derail then-President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia (a far-right Catholic social conservative). volunteers help direct the efforts of the Practice Group: they organize events, including The complaint Garland handled stemmed from a 2013 speech Jones gave on the death penalty at a Federalist Society-sponsored event at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. With respect, Jimmy, the question is not whether these books are historical accounts and literally true in every respecteven among Fundamentalists and Evangelicals, let alone serious Catholics and Protestants, few would endorse such a claimbut whether Professor Dever has sufficient expertise and authority to make his absolutely unqualified assertion about Mosess historicity. "Merrick Garland's nomination to be attorney general advances to full Senate". CNBC. Retrieved March 10, 2021. ^ "On the Nomination (Confirmation: Merrick Brian Garland, of Maryland, to be Attorney General)". U.S. Senate. March 10, 2021. Retrieved March 11, 2021. ^ Rogers, Alex (March 10, 2021). https://brandnewtube.com/watch/catherine-austin-fitts-the-highwire-with-del-bigtree_pFcqNsrshPuBLhA.html. By 1947, the same food would cost $43. The grey-flannel and tobacco atmosphere of Oxbridge England in the late 1949s and 1950s has its attractions, as do many books and broadcasts by the Inklings, especially in contrast to the present scenery of decadence. She would only say that Garland was an integral part of that process and the decision to dismiss the complaint against Jones. The Federalist Society typically allows reporters to cover its meetings. They recommended that the DC Circuits judicial council, which had final say in the matter and also included three liberal judges on Obamas Supreme Court short list this yearSri Srinivasan, Nina Pillard, and Patricia Millettdismiss the complaint, which it did. The original Constitutional Convention was tasked to write amendments to the articles of Confederation, but wrote an entirely new Constitution in strict secrecy. Two cheers for CS Lewis though , if only because he moved Joad only from wavering Agnosticism to Belief. Those primary strategic foundations are largely controlled by Jewish interests, but at a heightened level of direct operational and governance authority, largely by financial leverage. (The false flag events and the media indoctrination storm is probably already planned.) A Valiant Thor? An update of James Petras Power (2006) that takes in Lucky Larry Silverstein [see Wikispooks on 9/11] and Sleepy Joe Biden (on the Taliban) is needed. Today, reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget, allows us to dig deep on stories that matter, and lets us keep our reporting free for everyone. As I dun sayed smeny time befo, thinking and evaluating using Eastern methods of analogy, parallel, and comparison and metaphor/similie yields more clarity, fecundity, and immediacy than fractional Aristotelian limitations, in many if not most instances. Both Testaments of the Bible have been subject to careful historical and literary scrutiny by Christian and Jewish, as well as atheist scholars, and they cannot just be swallowed whole as factually reliable history, as Muslims accept the Quran or Latter Day Saints the Book of Mormon. The second is a fairly run-of-the-mill Washington think tank. Id like to have been a guest ( comfortable in post War majority Atheism ) at Balliols High Table on the evening of Joads Damascene inversion. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Nt, Trump incited the rally goers to break the law period, if he wasn't rich, white, male, hetero and, Disagree! According to people who attended the lecture and the complaint they later filed, Jones made a number of inflammatory comments, including suggesting that blacks and Hispanics are predisposed to crime and prone to violence. For its members, that was cause for celebration. READ MORE: Dark money groups pump nearly $90 million into 'independent state legislature' case, The Politico journalist explains, "The spending by Leo-aligned nonprofits on his for-profit businesses coincided with changes in his personal lifestyle and finances. And that wasn't the type of justice that Trump and Leo wanted. WebMerrick B. Garland, Michael J. Madigan, Stephen A. Saltzburg, George J. Terwilliger, Jonathan R. Turley Criminal Law and Procedure Practice Group Every few months, a highly Tony Blair urged democratic governments not to close confidence in using military force to export their values (The Guardian, September 7, 2021). Philip D. Williamson. Neither the Federalist Society nor the Supreme Court immediately offered any explanation. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. What could be done? Scroll forward to the most recent year on record: It contributed $7 million. Congress Minutes reports: Attorney General Merrick Garland is set to testify before the Judiciary Committee today, in what marks his first trip to Capitol Hill this year. Will artificial intelligence overthrow its capitalist overlords? The Federalist Society was the turnstile that controlled the appointments, and dark money was the inducement that controlled the turnstile. Fight or perish, white man. Get top headlines from the Union-Tribune in your inbox weekday mornings, including top news, local, sports, business, entertainment and opinion. Save big on a full year of investigations, ideas, and insights. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. The hearing will broadly cover oversight of the Justice Department. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. And, indeed, 86 percent of Trump's Supreme Court and appellate court nominees were or are members. It doesn't care about galas or podcasts either. In an era of unusual constitutional violation, one after another, he is not a defender of Americans, but rather a bureaucratic apparatchik of what regime holds power, or takes power in whatever way it can, so long as legal accountability is not brought to bear by other branches, or the judiciary. Now it seems the people directly affected by the current fuel shortage, have different opinions, as two stories by Associated press at left, and International press at right, reflect. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Gorsuch was raised Catholic but has more recently attended an Episcopal church. The Federalist Societys Practice Group members are grouped by substantive area of law. In Garlands case, nearly his entire career has been within government. Both groups are now backing Garlands nomination to the Supreme Court; Alliance for Justice praised him as an extraordinarily accomplished and highly qualified jurist who will bring thoughtfulness, intellect, and a passionate respect for the law to the nations highest court.. Some declared that when paper gold was presented to the world on that March morning, Schweitzer declared. We noticed you have an ad blocker on. Civil trial or not, my point is it takes time! . The US is one vote away from a complete progressive sweep of the entire government, and a perpetual majority guaranteed by whatever voting arrangements the rulers see as necessary to maintain their power. Thank you for visiting. Leo's own personal wealth appeared to have ballooned as his fundraising prowess accelerated since his efforts to cement the Supreme Court's conservative majority helped to bring about its decision to overturn abortion rights. Standing there in the Garden of Gethsemane He could have picked Caesar up by the scruff of the neck and threw him clear out into the street and shut the doors to his place. Group has an Executive Committee that meets once a month via conference call. Federalist Society, in full Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, American organization of strongly conservative and libertarian lawyers, judges, politicians, government officials, legal scholars, and law students, founded as a student association in 1982 and originally including members from the law schools of the University of Chicago, Yale University, and Harvard University. Muslim Turkey is constructing a massive Pentagon -like military complex intended to push back on Israel/USA mid east aggression.Turkey will continue to operate the Afghan Airport.Turkey will become the centerpiece of a Muslim/China/Russia/anti Israel- now Jewish controlled West -alliance. https://www.unz.com/aanglin/are-walmarts-secret-military-bases-linked-by-hundreds-of-miles-of-underground-tunnels/. Merrick Garfinkel Garland: US Attorney General Wow, has Mr. I think there are problems here without resorting to the Book of Revelation as a credible and literal prophecy. Maybe apocryphal: when Tolkien proudly announced his latest English Epic, Lewis remarked: Not another fucking elf!, Just as apocryphal as Jack Lewiss passing the post prandial port at High Table and telling JRRT , tonight Ill fucking pray for you.. https://gsiexchange.com/states-gold-silver-become-legal-tender/ Personal contact between client and bank? When Christ said, Do you not think that I can call to my Father and He can put at my disposal 12 legions of angels? Get this throw your head Jesus that silly guy you dare mock could have with a few words ended the Roman Empire period! Weve always understood the importance of calling out corruption, regardless of political affiliation. Then, still very much conscious, he was taken to a high building, and pre-announced a crowd gathered. Notice Mr. Garland doesnt take questions concerning the Washington madam case.. One example; Brett Kavanaugh who gave dozens of speeches before the Federalist Society, auditioning for the SC. I want wisdom and knowledge. This Sick Zio Neocon psychotic/fanatical COD obsessive Israel First has brought about endless wars that had bankrupted the USA and killed most young deplorables. Wright Patman, chairman of the House Banking Committee, refused to grant the $200 million loan, declaring it would be only the beginning of a welfare program for the giant corporation.. Now it just seems like rational self-preservation. For example, in 2002, DonorsTrust, the scheme's dark money ATM, had contributed $5,000 to the Federalist Society. I'm as alarmed about Merrick Garland as Adam Schiff, It's horrible what McConnell did to Garland in the Senate, but Biden should have picked someone else, Totally believe that the former leading candidate for SCOTUS and former judge of 25. On March 14, hysterical crowds of people crowded, screamed, and scrambled their ways to the windows of the banks of England, and to the bank windows of the sub-basements of Paris to exchange their paper for gold. Excerpts from recent editorials in the United States and abroad: Feb. 26 The Washington Post on how to fix freight rail No community in America wants to be the next East Palestine, Ohio. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Create new account | My Profile | My Account | My Bookmarks | My Inbox | Help | Log in, Back to top Alert abuse Link here . In his report to Congress, Louis McFadden asked the question, Several years previously, I recalled reading an article by Sterling Slappey. The top half of l l-A was devoted to an article headlined. It was engendered by Joads Balliol High Table discussions with his Oxford friend, CS Lewis. Are Agency Fees Unconstitutional in the Private Sector? Why? Her population was larger than 3/4 of the nations who held membership in the UN. IRS and other public records between 2016 and 2020 show a major expansion of Leo's personal wealth that coincided with the start of his work for Trump and the creation of his own for-profit entity called BH Group. In spite of the fact the alarms were being sounded, there was every indication that Americans would be subjected to gas rationing in the near future. 18 San Diego State 60 the collapse, the boards and NCAA bracketology, Opinion: How I plan to honor the legacy of James Abourezk, the first Arab American U.S. senator, Carlsbads Viasat gets the green light for $7B Inmarsat deal as competition heats up in space. Justice Scalia died suddenly during a hunting trip. Przybyla notes, "The Courts 2022 decision overturning half a century of the federal right to abortion was widely seen as a victory for the conservative legal movement led by Leo. Needless to say, tension was high, and furious action was taken to stave off a national panic that could have created havoc in those days between June l9 and 23. As usual they bite off more than they can chew, and choke on it. Consequently, the buying power of the dollar continued to fall ever lower. The truth is, the transformation has been a very slow, systematic process. Except he's the one who prosecuted Timothy McVeigh and others involved in the OK bombing. So when they come for you to be electronically chipped so that you cant buy or sell will you buy into this betrayal? Leo and the Federalist Society's control ran deep. Total membership in the organization was estimated to be more than 70,000. She even used the word "stench" to express her disdain. Exactly. Justices regularly headline Federalist Society fundraisers, like the gala Brett Kavanaugh chose for his first major public speaking engagement after his disastrous confirmation, and they boast of their association with the group. As new nations were being born and being admitted to the UN, the roster revealed the young and struggling being admitted were often those who had accepted the doctrines of Communism. They were afraid that their paper would be canceled with the stroke of a legislative pen. ), Kopf wrote that while Jones is far too right-wing for my tastes and her speaking styles can be blunt, he nonetheless felt that the allegations against her were thin and threatened to chill the speech of federal judges who are encouraged to speak publicly about the law. Moses may have been an historical personality in some respects, but to regard Genesis and Exodus as historical accounts and literally true in every respect, especially with many parallels in other mythologies and legends, is simply ridiculous. Unlock premium content, ad-free browsing, and access to comments for just $4/month. Make a one-time contribution to Alternet All Access, Environmental & Science Affairs These judges knew they were being assessed, and they auditioned. Formosa, 1950 There are & have been many in our US govt who are loyal to Mr Leo. Paul Hellyer is worth reading on fractional reserve, &c. 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