Both tribes are of great reputed antiquity and, according to traditional Arab genealogists, are two of the four ba 'ida, or extinct tribes. They were craftsmen. After giving birth, the camel drank all the water from a well every two days and then produced enormous amounts of milk for the people. After the destruction of the Ad, the tribe of Thamud succeeded them in power and glory. Marcus Aurelius Anthoninus and Lucius Aurelius Verus, who are the conquerors of the Armenians. Hud tried to reason with his people by reminding them of the many favors Allah had given them. what enemy, ever so warlike and powerful, will venture to invade my land, or besiege me in my strong hold? It mentions the elusive city of Iram (mentioned in the above Quranic verse), and reads May Abdallhi son of Atmo be remembered for all time before Allt, the goddess of Iram.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Quranic tribes of Aad and Thamud a historical perspective. These prefixes ignored in the alphabetical ordering: Al, Bani, Banu. The people led wealthy excessive lives, built grand buildings, both on the plains, and carved into the hills. The glorious Qur'an considered the people of 'Ad after Nuh (a); when it says, "and that it is He who destroyed the former 'Ad", "The former 'Ad" were the people of Prophet Hud (a) who lived after the people of Nuh (a) and before the people of Thamud. . Ptolemy (d. 168 AD), describes a people called Oaditai8, bordered by Aramaeans to the north, and Thamud to the south, close to what is today called Wadi Ramm. This generally means that despite very weak appearance now they one were very well established from the remanats. And they used to carve from the mountains, houses, feeling secure. Also, the Prophet () did in fact mention the dwellings in a separate hadith. How archeologists date the tombs and other structures is primarily based on the inscriptions found in them. Did the Prophet try to execute a man without proof? They are called "Skulls" because it is thought that the skull is the most important part of the body, and the majority of Arab tribes are descended from these major tribes.[37][38][39][40][41]. (2/434), As for the related Hadith reports related to the incident during the Tabuk expedition they either do not mention Thamud by name or say. Or is that verse just saying what they used to do in the vally Several broken columns in the ruins of Wadi Ramm have been interpreted as the lofty pillars associated with Iram in the Quran. I am also writing an text on this that I inshaAllah will put up online. Only Allah knows if this scenario really happened. And take for yourselves palaces and fortresses that you may abide eternally?Chapter 26, Verses 128 129. So you could see the people therein fallen as if they were hollow trunks of palm trees. By declining the noun Thamud or not, it means the region or the tribe. Indeed, the Quran states that many generations came after the first tribe of Thamud without specifying an exact timeline. [26] The Arab descendants of the original Arabian settlers who continue to speak Arabic as a first language currently form the single largest population group in North Africa. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Q.28:58 is general: And how many a city have We destroyed that was insolent in its [way of] living, and those are their dwellings which have not been inhabited after them except briefly. The Bible makes a claim that a particular time in history, a people who lived in in the kingdom of EdomEdomites predate the Nabateans or the current historically accepted date of the structures carved from the mountainscarved out structures in the hills and mountains. There are some scholars who say a mountain split apart and the camel walked out. They were Giants and so powerful. where they used to live. Eventually, they demanded proof for what Salih was saying. The Nabateans who made the carvings in Madain Saleh and Petra, as well as other Arab groups like the Dedanites/Lihyanites, are their successors. If we say Allah sent Nabateans a Messenger, then we would have to say that Allah sent them a Messenger WAY back (since there were no Prophets or Messengers between Isa and Muhammad (sall Allahu alayhim wa sallam) and only destroy them hundreds of years later. Arab genealogical tradition. And of course, they were also polytheists. The following commentary on the verses from Obadiah, found in, is rather revealing. The following are four verses from Obadiah: 1 The vision of Obadiah. However, now none may be visible and what is visible now are those made centuries later. Some of these questions were sincere, but most of the time they were just trying to trip him up. Nabateans replaced them and built on them/around them, 4. After all, camels were and still are pretty common in that part of the world. The absence of evidence here is no evidence of absence. But it was hamstrung and eventually killed by nine people of Thamud, who then attempted but failed to kill Salih himself. Not every opinion that he held was necessarily a divine revelation. Honestly I dont understand the confusion at and all of it has been dealt with above. He said, O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. It is possible that multiple unrelated groups took on the name of Thamud; they probably spoke Old Arabic. [24] These tribes advanced in large numbers all the way to Morocco, contributing to a more extensive ethnic, genetic, cultural, and linguistic Arabization in the region. The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee 89:9 is in past tense. Pickthall And (the tribes of) A'ad and Thamud! 5. And indeed we do, but with an unexpected twist! And does the verses before say the Arabs could see the Arabs loft pillars or just saying what they used to do 89:6-8 Although the Thamud probably originated in southern Arabia, a large group apparently moved northward at an early date, traditionally settling on the slopes of Mount Athlab. So you must also monitor your life for the signs that youre receiving. So nothing availed them [from] what they used to earn. Of course, only Allah knows the truth. 'Aad and Thamud are two of several communities described in the Quran as recipients of God's chosen prophets - and being utterly destroyed for rejecting them. Can it be said that the Thamud made wells and their successors i.e. Yet how can we prove that there was a Prophet sent to them since Allah SWT does not punish a nation without sending one? The second lesson is to watch out for the signs in our lives. In the Nabataean period, several impressive facades were carved into the hills outside al-Hijr, between the 1st century BC and 1st century AD. Also there were no prophets between Isa AS and Muhammad SAW which is another issue to clarify. [27] Both tribes are of great reputed antiquity and, according to traditional Arab genealogists, are two of the four ba 'ida, or extinct tribes. Aben Ezra thinks that caph, the note of similitude, is wanting; and that the sense is, thou thoughtest that Mount Seir could secure thee, as they that dwell in the clefts of a rock: whose habitation [is] high; upon high rocks and mountains, such as Mount Seir was, where Esau dwelt, and his posterity after, him. [15] A major source of income for these people was the taxation of caravans, and tributes collected from non-Bedouin settlements. Nabateans replaced them and built on them/around them Thats all the Thamud had to do. It is estimated by some historians that Moses (s) lived around the 16th century BCE. The Thamud did not worship God, and were disobedient. from there I will bring you down, 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, The Meaning of La Ilaha Illa Allah (Tawheed): What is Islam? Point by Ismail about the order of the messengers from earliest to latest also is something to ponder over and maybe the people of the Hijr are different from the Thamud. From about the 2nd century BCE, a few inscriptions from Qaryat al-Faw reveal a dialect no longer considered proto-Arabic, but pre-classical Arabic. Its also implausible that a people who would be at the helm of such epic architectural and engineering achievements would not even make mention of it, or at least keep a record of it. They built buildings on the land and also carved them in hills. It is possible that Edomites and or Thamud did carve out structures in the region, Nabateans, who came later, were inspired at some point during their history by the structures and proceeded to make a few of their own. [23] The ninth-century Muslim scholar Ibn Sad believed that the Thamud were the Nabateans. Why? The sentence, This structure is not only large enough and a couple more contained links. Allah knows best if that really happened (this event is not mentioned in the Quran or Sunnah.). The same can be said about 7:84 where Allah SWT is telling us to SEE the end of Sodom and Gomorrah. Obviously, the Thamud were much more advanced technologically than the Aad. For a few reasons. 10.can al hijr be somewhere else like al ula Witch of these sound more like what the verse is meaning, 5. So, basically during the time of the Prophet (), their remains were not on the surface and only some of them were visible. Khurusani Arabs were mainly contingent from Nejdi tribes such as Banu Tamim. According to the Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia (OCIANA) at the University of Oxford: Thamudic is a name invented by nineteenth-century scholars for large numbers of inscriptions in ANA alphabets which have not yet been properly studied. This is an odd conclusion. Replying by always staying what is the problem or what is the issue seems to have a rebuking or shaming tone that appears very harsh to the questioner. [pp. You can find the first onehere), Thamud were before time of the Israelites they were same time as the Assyrians who they mixed with. Allah mentions how there were actually nine families that pretty much ran everything in this society. Updates? Saudi Arabia, in terms of archaeology, is really untouched. Doesnt matter if they were destroyed before or after Ibn Kathir and the land is not in Yemen. Though no one knows for sure when either of these groups existed, it is clear from the Quran that the Aad were successors to the people of Noah. Yes, I understood but if you read my comment, youll see that this problem is addressed. And We gave them Our signs, but from them they were turning away. If anyone has evidence of at least one dead body having been found in the recesses, Im open to change my mind. Because inscriptions cannot be relied upon with 100 percent certainty, its possible that the inscriptions are Nabatean while the structures are not. Assalam alikum forget the rest of what Ive put down but I was just wondering does 36:41 prove that every one on the earth comes from the people of tge ark if yes then how does that work because people could still see thamud dwellings so that means they could only come thousands of years of go but we know noah had to come near them but we know humans have been here at least 40 thousand bc so how do we explain this, Assalam alikum thanks for the answers but thamud had to be destroyed no lesser than 3000 bc not 800 bc jazzakallah because thamud came before Abraham jazzakallah but thanks, Also if the quran says the area is wadi al qura then madian al saleh is not wadi al qura jazzakallah but thanks, But of course in there empire day they would of probably built in wadi al qura and al ula and madian al saleh and else where in there area because they would of had a large population any where between 20 thousand to 50 thousand people because mekkah and median together came to 20-40 thousand people in the prophets day and 40:21 says these people were more in population so they had to be more than mekkah and median, Assalam alikum also dies 7:74 mean that Thamud were the descendents of ad or not or were they they descendents of ad jazzakallah. Qur'anic accounts of Salih always follow those of Hud. This is attested by Safaitic inscriptions (beginning in the 1st century BCE) and the many Arabic personal names in Nabataean inscriptions. There existed a nation called the Edomites. An archeologist studying Mount Rushmore 2000 years after the inscriptions may well deduce that the statues of Mount Rushmore were made by Latin Americans and even guess the date incorrectly. [7][8] In a somewhat muddled passage, Pliny the Elder, a Roman historian of the first century CE, appears to locate the Thamd at the unidentified inland town of "Baclanaza". [27:49]. Im trying to understand the arabic like why do some arabic words have al before some words when we dont use them like in verse 2:36 (But Satan caused both of them to deflect from obeying Our command by tempting them to the tree and brought them out of the state they were in, and We said: Get down all of you; henceforth, each of you is an enemy of the other,50 and on earth you shall have your abode and your livelihood for an appointed time.) in this verse in arabic it says al Shatan why doesnt just say satan instead of if translated the satan because that would sound weird Instead, the camel is killed by a certain "accursed Amar", and the camel's foal stands upon a rock and curses Thamud, leading to the tribe's annihilation except for a single lame woman who is spared to spread the message of the destruction. Here is how their argument goes: The Quran describes prophet called Salih ( ), who lived in the Thamud tribe. The Aad werent about that. The word atharan or assar as loosely written in Urdu literally means effects or reactions or remnants left behind as an escape of a crime scene where clues or signs point to. As is the usual case, the Christians are, 1. But they hamstrung it, so he said, "Enjoy life for another three days: this warning will not prove false." As for now, we dont know. From some understanding, it is derived that Thamud were an ancient Arab people well before Musa (as) and possibly well before Ibrahim (as) and hence the tombs (no dwellings to be seen in the present day ruins) must be very ancient and not recent like the Nabataeans. Revisionists are conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theories sell so in order to make quick money and get fame, some western pseudo scholars propagate this absurd conspiracy theory. I am unsure if the root word but atharan can mean impact. The Quran does not make any claim about the historicity of specific sites, but rather enjoins the believers to reflect upon the many ruins of idolatrous societies throughout Arabia as a lesson in the futility of disobedience to Allah. 14. 63-65. If the Bible tells us nothing more, at least it illustrates that carving out structures on mountains predated the Nabateans, and that is all we need to refute the Christian allegation against the Quran. It is not a revealed book any more and hence, we are not bound to believe in a few thousand year old civilization our scriptures do not mention any such thing. 'Ad and Thamud are closely connected by both Islamic and pre-Islamic sources. Satan made their actions seem good to them and so debarred them from the Way, even though they were intelligent people. So leave her to eat within Allahs land and do not touch her with harm, lest there seize you a painful punishment. Im also inclined to believe that these nine families were the direct descendents of those believers who escaped the land of the Aad with Hud. It seems we gonna have some proper analysis on this case, and Allah (as) knows best! We dont have remains of Ad, do we? Syed Suleman Nadvi discusses this in Tarikh Ard al-Quran vol.2. That they were better than you in building these fallen down relics 2. Omissions? The fact that these structures are still around today, after nearly 4000 years is a testament to their quality and design. Are you telling us to change our religion from our fathers relgion? 74], , And certainly did the companions of Thamud deny the messengers. The coloring of (sedentary culture) established itself firmly. As such, missionaries and polemicists have claimed that the mistakes of Muslim folklore, or contradictory applications of the name Thamud to archaeological discoveries, suggest an historical mistake in the Quran. Year_ May , 2021 -. Large numbers of Bani Rasheed are also found on the Arabian Peninsula. The Nabataeans were nomadic Arabs who moved into territory vacated by the Edomites Semites who settled the region centuries before them. The Edomites can also be a separate nation and through the passage time they shared history, tradition, and custom with the remnants of the Thamud. A temple they constructed at Rawwafa, 200 miles north of Medina, mentions the following in a Greek-Nabataean bilingual inscription: For the wellbeing of the rulers of the whole world . Hud was from among the Aad himself, as Allah mentions in the Quran: Aad denied the Messengers when their brother Hud said to them: Will you not fear Allah?Chapter 26, Verses 124 125. It is possible that the dwelling areas are no longer visible in the last 1400 years as these are just small rooms and tombs with no space inside. But certainly, there is some potential that something like this may have happened. The Thamud are mentioned in contemporary Mesopotamian, Classical, and Arabian sources, including in inscriptions in a temple erected in the 160s for the god lh, by the Thamud themselves. In other words either the evidence no longer exists (no problem) or Thamudic dwellings in North West Arabia are yet to be discovered. One may argue that they existed until 106 CE, i.e. The leftover of Ad were taken and built over by Thamud. Nothing but solid rock underlies the rest of the facades. Modern historiography "unveiled the lack of inner coherence of this genealogical system and demonstrated that it finds insufficient matching evidence".[14]. The Qurn saysand remember how he made you succeedd and lodged you in the land. Assalam alikum so is 89:9 present tense or past tense the altheana jabbu al sakrah bilwadi bit and you are saying that the thamud dwellings have gone destroyed after the prophets time, And Is madain al saleh wadi alQura or is wadi alqura some where else, And do you think there houses were destroyed before or after ibn kathir and could the land of thamud be petra ir yemon because there is a town called thamud in yemon, And does 27:52 mean there dwellings were destroyed or empty and could 89:9 mean there dwellings just of been caves in the prophets the outside gone fallen if you know what I mean and can. [ Qur'an and Suhih Sunnah - Islamic Knowledge ]. I would rather think that the Thamud were more like two or three hundred years after the Aad. It makes it specific but is not related to time. We have no concrete evidence that Nabateans were destroyed. You have no god other than Him. The caliphate also allowed the migration of Arab tribes to Egypt. An envoy was sent to the nations to say, Again the burden of proof is on us that this was the case. The exact time of their existence is nearly impossible to determine. [30], In the 12th century, the Arab Ja'alin tribe migrated into Nubia and Sudan and formerly occupied the country on both banks of the Nile from Khartoum to Abu Hamad. Verses 15:80-83describe its inhabitants as carving their homes out of mountains and being decimated by a loud shriek characteristics ascribed by the Quran elsewhere to the people of Thamud2. Thereupon Allahs Messenger () commanded that the water collected for drinking should be spilt and the flour should be given to the camels and commanded them that the water for drinking should be taken from that well where the she-camel used to come. Edomites, Lihyanites and Nabateans inherited this skill? and the pride of your heart have deceived you, 2. But given the possibility that these ruins could have once been created, either completely or partially, by the Thamud and taken later by the Edomites in Petra and then the Nabateans, who inscribed graffiti on themtheir inscriptions are exactly thator even carved out recesses inside of them, there isnt an unsurmountable problem. By not on the surface, I mean that they did not exist like a proper city or open to any passer by and were deep inside some unvisited territory. To Aad was sent the prophet Hud; to Thamud, Saleh, and together with another mysterious figure, Shoaib, they constitute the only three pre-Islamic prophets mentioned in the Quran that have an exclusive Arab provenance. Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with Aad; of Iram of the lofty pillars? (Quran 89:6-7). ""- . So Ill let that one go for another article and focus on the main discussion, the Aad and Thamud. Have not invested any considerable time investigating the actual archeological claims. The Bible Adites conquered Iraq and Syria mixing with the Akkadians and Amorites( They are known as the people of Us, When actual tribe of ad perished Prophet Hud pbuh was with the banu thamud who are from him, they livedfrom North Arabia to greater part of Syria mixing with the Assyrians . Even though we dont know for sure how this succession took place, I like to think that perhaps there were a few survivors from that windstorm that wiped them out. Expel Jews and Christians from Arabian Peninsula? ___ : __ >> :____ Fatwa __ . Source: Sahih Muslim 2980, Grade: Sahih. This is an article I recently wrote. 9. Part 1_ The story of Musa. And As-Saihah (torment - awful cry) overtook the wrong-doers, so they lay (dead), prostrate in their homes, As if they had never lived there. But the buildings of the Aad are like Lego blocks compared to the Thamud. Perhaps they wandered through the Arabian Peninsula for some time looking for a new home. These prefixes ignored in the alphabetical ordering: Al, Banu. Do not enter the dwellings of those who wronged themselves unless you are weeping, lest you be afflicted with the likes of what afflicted them. They trace their lineage to Abbas, uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Qur'an and Hadith on Thamud and their Dwellings Abu Rahma / March 22, 2016 It is argued that the Qur'an and the Prophet () made an error in history and facts [1]. "[22] The stone constructions of Hegra are actually mostly from the Nabataean period, especially the first century CE. Between the mountains were valleys with gardens and springs of water. This is because Prophet Ismail (AS) is often considered to be the father of Arabs just like Prophet Ishaaq/Isaac (AS) is considered to be the father of the Israelites. The calamity must have been fairly extensive in area and intense in the terror it inspired for it is described as a single mighty blast, the sort of terror inspiring noise which accompanies all big earthquakes.. Most of the monuments and inscriptions of the archaeological site of Al-Hijr date from the 1st century BCE and the 1st century CE. Jazak Allah, Ok thanks jazzakkallah that about it thanks but out of the 8 theorys I put down before witch one would you pick to be the best interpretation thanks and when you say (archaic) do you mean that are civilization is better then the people of AD relics or the other way round that there relics are better than are houses or do you just mean there relics are better then the mekkahans houses and madian houses etc I didnt really understand you by that bit but thanks for your helping jazzakkallah. There is a popular historical show in Saudi Arabia with Eid Al-Yahya where they visit the area of Madain Saleh and he definitely makes a credible case showing that Madain Saleh has indications of being built by Thamud, but being used and completed by the Nabateans. Overall, in my opinion the response could/should be revised in light of some of the points mentioned here. Thirdly, the hadith you quoted isnt the only hadith on the topic. I would be interested in your response to my other points as well. 3. BUY ISLAMIC BOOKS by The Sincere Seeker for Adults & Children on AMAZON: The Sincere Seeker on social media to . Thus, at the end, the people of al-Hijr are mentioned. The Targum is,thou art like to an eagle that dwells in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is in a high place;this they were proud of, thinking themselves safe, which deceived them; hence it follows: that saith in his heart, who shall bring me down to the ground? Wadi al-Qura, refer to the article above. 4. The Aad and Thamud were both located in the northwestern part of modern day Saudi Arabia near the border of Jordan. And as for Thamud, We showed them the path of truth but they preferred blindness to guidance; so the Sa`iqah of disgracing torment seized them because of what they used to earn. We have no firm textual evidence as to where they went, but their pattern of rock carving survived for millennia among their successors in the area such as the Nabateans, the Dedanites, the Lihyanites who supplanted the Dedanites in Dedan in the last century BCE and 1st century CE and others. God chose the prophet Salih to warn the polytheistic Thamud that they should worship the One God. Northwestern part of modern day saudi Arabia near the border of Jordan and Suhih -! Not mentioned in the Thamud tribe was hamstrung and eventually killed by nine people of succeeded... There seize you a painful punishment Thamud that they existed until 106 CE,.... 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